Contents tagged with South Korea

  • Seoul summons Russian diplomats over violation of South Korean air space by Russian strategic bombers

    The South Korean Ministry of Defense summoned the Russian military attaché, Andrei Falileev, "in protest against the unauthorized entry of Russian military aircraft into the South Korea's air defense identification zone," the agency Yonhap News reports with reference to statement of the South Korean Ministry of Defense.

    “The violation of the [South Korean] border by Russian bombers will not contribute to efforts to stabilize the situation on the Korean peninsula, as well as in Northeast Asia," …

  • US and South Korea begin large-scale military exercises

    On Sunday, April 1, South Korea and the United States began joint military exercises, which were postponed during the Olympics in Pyeongchang. More than 10,000 American troops and about 290,000 South Korean troops are participating in the Foal Eagle maneuvers, reports DW.

    The Foal Eagle exercises include ground troops, military aircraft, naval forces and special forces. Previously, the same number of troops participated in the exercises. Maneuvers will last about a month.

    The American-South …

  • Media: South Korea may postpone decommissioning of Russian tanks

    Seoul may postpone plans to phase out Russian T-80U tanks, despite problems with their compatibility with other equipment in the South Korean arsenal, Pohan News portal reported, citing MP Lee Chong Gol.

    The T-80U tanks and BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles were delivered to the Republic of Korea in 1995 and 2002 as payment for the state debt of the USSR. It is expected that the South Korean army will gradually abandon the use of these vehicles in the period from 2018 to 2022.

    However, …

  • China: US anti-missile defense in South Korea damages the security of China and Russia

    The THAAD missile system deployed on the territory of South Korea violates the strategic balance in the region, as well as damages the security of several countries, including China and Russia, TASS quotes Chinese President Xi Jinping as saying.

    "The Chinese side has already expressed strong protest and serious concern," the Chinese leader said, adding that the US anti-missile defense system "will not help denuclearization on the Korean peninsula."

    "The Chinese side has put forward a 'two- …

  • South Korea plans to invest in 4G and 5G development in Ukraine

    The Republic of Korea announced plans to invest in the development of digital infrastructure for 4G and 5G network capability in Ukraine. This was reported by the Press Service of the Ministry of Economic Development after the meeting of First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Stepan Kubiv with Korean Ambassador Li Yang Gu and representatives of the Korean Investment Corporation K-Growth.

    "The volumes of mutual trade and investment in Ukraine by the Republic of Korea are not yet significant. It's …

  • U.S. THAAD anti-missile system begins its operation in South Korea

    The U.S. military has completed the deployment of the THAAD anti-missile system, which triggered protests from Russia, China and North Korea when it was delivered to South Korea. The missile system is there to intercept missiles from North Korea, reports the BBC.

    The capabilities of THAAD missile launchers and equipment to intercept North Korean missiles are limited at the moment, a Pentagon official told the news agency Agence France-Presse.

    According to him, it will take several months to …

  • Seoul: U.S. does not require payment for missile defense system placed in South Korea

    South Korea only needs to provide the land for the deployment of the American THAAD missile defense system, Yonhap News Agency reported, citing sources in the South Korean military.

    U.S. National Security Advisor Herbert McMaster, in a telephone conversation with his South Korean counterpart, confirmed that Seoul will not incur expenses in connection with the deployment of THAAD.

    Earlier, U.S. President Donald Trump said that he wanted South Korea to pay one billion dollars for the THAAD …

  • Russia has placed its Air Defense into high readiness state following North Korea’s ballistic missile test

    Air Defense systems in the Far East region have been placed into a state of heightened readiness, stated Chairman of the Defense and Security Committee of the Russian Federation Council Victor Ozerov, RIA Novosti reports.

    "Russia is following very closely what is happening in North Korea ..." We are monitoring the airspace in the area of responsibility of Russian Air Force," the senator said.

    According to him, Moscow is aware that the country was not the target of North Korea's missile …

  • Russia: U.S. decision to deploy anti-missile defense system in South Korea is destabilizing

    Russia calls on the United States and South Korea to reconsider the advisability of deploying a missile defense system in the region. This was stated by Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Gennadiy Gatilov, RIA Novosti reported.According to Gatilov, this step is destabilizing.

    "An additional destabilizing factor in the region is the decision taken last year by Washington and Seoul - in the wake of the vicious logic of creating a global missile defense system - the decision to deploy …

  • US began delivery of THAAD anti-ballistic missile system to South Korea

    Equipment for THAAD anti-ballistic missile system has been delivered to the deployment site in south-eastern part of South Korea, reports Yonhap news agency.

    According to the agency, six trucks with radar and other equipment arrived at a Golf Club in the city of Songdo.  The delivery reportedly angered local residents that led to a clash with the police.

    The South Korean Ministry of Defense later confirmed the delivery of the equipment.

    THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) anti- …