Contents tagged with Putin

  • Kremlin Finds US's Words On Corruption In Russia 'Insulting'

    Statements of the representatives of US authorities on the corruption of Russian President Vladimir Putin have been found “insulting” by the Kremlin. Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov claimed that such remarks constitute interference with the presidential campaign to be held in 2018.

    Moscow accused Washington of interfering in an electoral campaign that has not yet even begun. Peskov said on Friday, January 29th that "insulting and indignant statements" made by the official representative of the …

  • White House Backs Treasury's Assessment That Putin Is 'Corrupt'

    Adam J. Szubin, Acting Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, made statements about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s corruption—statements that accurately reflected Washington’s position. Reuters cited White House Official Spokesman Josh Earnest as stating that during an official White House briefing on Thursday, January 28th.

    "The US Treasury official’s assessment reflects the opinion of the administration best of all," said Earnest. At the same time he found it difficult …

  • Putin's Comments on Donbas to Be Considered At Next UN Security Council Meeting

    The Ukrainian delegation initiated a discussion in the UN Security Council about the recent statements of Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding the Donbas that purport to cast doubt on Ukraine's border.  This was stated on the website of the delegation of Ukraine to the UN.

    During the discussions, the representative of Ukraine, Vladimir Yelchenko, stated the inadmissibility of attempts of the top leadership of Russia to rewrite history and to question the territorial integrity, …

  • Putin praises Kadyrov as 'effective' and 'efficient'

    Russian President Vladmir Putin deemed the actions of Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Chechen Republic, as “effective”.  He cited this during the inter-regional forum of the All-Russia People’s Front, which was held in Stavropol.  

    Putin went on to state, “Those living there [in Chechnya] have done this.  Thanks to the first president of the Republic… to the current head, he is working efficiently.”

    On January 12th, Kadyrov called the representatives of Russian non-system opposition “public …

  • Police in Dagestan Block Rally in Support Of Putin and Kadyrov

    On January 24th, police in Dagestan blocked an attempted demonstration rally by followers of Sagid Murtalzaliev, who was declared wanted in connection with terrorism. One of the organizers, Ahmed Pasha Amirilaev, reported in his interview with Ekho Moskvii that the police had stopped people who supported Russian President Vladimir Putin and the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. Amirilaev did not confirm information that police officers tore up posters of Putin and Kadyrov.

    The …

  • The UK to Consider Publishing List of those Involved in Litvinenko Murder

    Officials in London may publish the list of people who, as a result of the investigation into the death of Alexander Litvinenko, will be denied the right to enter the United Kingdom as reported by Rosbalt on January 23rd, citing The Guardian.

    The UK’s Anti-Corruption Champion, Eric Pickles, is currently investigating this possibility. He will submit the results of his research to the Ministers.

    Publication of the ‘black list’ will allow the public to find out who is prohibited from entering …

  • Russian Ambassador to the UK Calls Litvinenko Investigation a Provocation

    The Russian Ambassador to the UK, Alexander Yakovenko, called London’s approach to the "business of Litvinenko" a "blatant provocation" by the British authorities. Yakovenko said this after being summoned to the British Foreign Office.

    According to him, for Moscow, "it is absolutely unacceptable to question whether the Russian government was somehow involved in the death of Litvinenko... This is an attempt to exert additional pressure on Russia in connection with the existing differences on …

  • Kadyrov calls for crackdown on Russian opposition

    Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov is calling for a crackdown on the “jackals” and “enemies of the people” who are opposed to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Kadyrov has made the news recently for his increasingly outrageous comments made towards the “non-systemic” Russian opposition, stating that they should be treated as enemies of the state. The head of Chechnya further elaborated his views on Tuesday in an article written for the pro-Kremlin newspaper Izvestia.

    Kadyrov’s diatribe was in …

  • Putin's son-in-law received $1.75 billion Russian state loan

    A Reuters report on information taken from public records about the government and the Sibur Company indicates that Russian President Vladimir Putin's son-in-law has received government funds for a lucrative construction project.

    33-year-old Kirill Shamalov owns one fifth of the largest petrochemical company in Russia, Sibur Gas Processing and Petrochemicals. In December, Sibur received funds from the National Welfare Fund (NWF) for the construction of a large complex in the Tyumen region near …

  • Yavlinsky: Russia must create political alternative in 2016

    In an op-ed written for Novaya Gazeta, politician Grigory Yavlinsky examined the year's main events in Russia, highlighting political reprisals against political dissidents, in particular the assassination of Boris Nemtsov.

    "The whole theme of this year, the most pressure put on civil society in the last 30 years, the amount of force used in the country and in international relations, is concentrated in the very beginning: the tragedy of February 27th," Yavlinsky wrote, referring to the day on …