Contents tagged with Moscow

  • Putin: Russia reserves the right ‘to protect freedom of religion’ in Ukraine

    Russia does not interfere in church affairs in Ukraine but “reserves the right to protect freedom of religion”, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at an event dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the enthronement of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Interfax reported.

    Putin said that there is actually a struggle for power, as well as speculations and cheap politics in the context of church affairs. He expressed regret that the Constantinople Patriarchate has been involved in the …

  • French ambassador: number of Russians requesting visas has grown by 40%

    During the reception of the diplomatic mission in Moscow , French ambassador to Russia Sylvie Bermann stated that demand among Russian tourists for visas to France according to last year’s results increased by 40%, RBC reports.

    “The number of visa requests increased by more than 40% in 2018,” she said.

    According to her, the requests continue to grow. She noted that the French government is ready to accept all tourists from Russia, who plan on visiting France.

    Also, Bermann stressed that …

  • Swedish Air Force: Russian warplanes violated Sweden's airspace

    A surveillance aircraft and two destroyers of the Russian Air Force violated Swedish airspace over the Baltic coast entering it for a short period, the Swedish Air Force reported.

    In the report published on January 24th, Swedish Air Force stated that the incident occurred on January 19th. An Il-20 surveillance aircraft and two Su-27 fighters flew near the city of Karlshamn, in south Sweden. The Russian aircraft entered Swedish airspace without permission, which the Swedish military reported to …

  • Citibank to close one third of its Russian branches

    The subsidiaries of foreign banks are continuing to reduce their presence in Russia. Citibank, a subsidiary of the American Citigroup, plans to close one third of its branches in Russia over the course of 2019, board member and consumer business manager Michael Berner told reporters on Wednesday.

    The bank is currently in the top 30 in Russia by assets, and has 22 branches, 12 of them in Moscow.

    “In the first quarter we plan to close two branches in Moscow and one in St. Petersburg, and in the …

  • Media: Russia agrees to tolerate Israeli attacks in Syria

    After the most recent consultations to prevent conflicts in Syria, which the Russian and Israeli military delegations held last Thursday, the Israeli army’s press service released a generic statement on the “positive and professional atmosphere” in which the meetings took place and their “agreement to continue working together in the spirit of mutual understanding”.

    During the talks, the two sides agreed on the new “rules of the game” which are based on the agreements on the mechanism of …

  • Russian court extends the arrest of all captive Ukrainian sailors for three months

    The Joint Group for Public Monitoring of the observance of the Constitutional freedoms of the Russian Federation reported on Twitter that the Moscow Lefortovo Court extended for three months the arrest of all 24 Ukrainian sailors captured near the Kerch Strait. It is noted that Judge Ryabtsev left Viktor Bespalchenko, Volodymyr Varymez, Vladyslav Kostyshyn and Volodymyr Lisovy in a pre-trial detention center until April 24. "The result. All but the wounded sailors remain in the remand prison …

  • European Union calls on Russia to release illegally held Ukrainians

    The European Union called on Russia to release the Ukrainian sailors captured in the Kerch Strait and other Ukrainian citizens, that Brussels says, are also held illegally, DW reports.

    “The European Union reiterates that all illegally detained Ukrainian citizens in the Crimean peninsula and in Russia and the crew of the vessels captured by Russia on 25 November must be immediately released. International human rights observers must be granted full, free and unhindered access to the Crimean …

  • World Anti-Doping Agency will make another attempt to obtain doping tests from Russian laboratory

    On January 9, experts of the World Anti-Doping Agency or WADA will arrive in Russia again on January 9 to obtain data from the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory, the WADA website reported on January 7.

    A three-person expert team will attempt to access and extract data from the Laboratory Information Management System and the underlying analytical data generated by the former Moscow Laboratory.

    The Statement of the WADA stresses that "Access to and subsequent authentication and analysis of the …

  • France extradites former Russian regional finance minister

    France has extradited Alexey Kuznetsov, former finance minister of Russia’s Moscow Oblast, to Russia. In Russia, the former official faces charges of fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering. Moscow has been pushing for his extradition since 2013, the BBC Russian service reports.

    The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office announced on Thursday that the extradition had taken place.

    “Today, accompanied by personnel from the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Russian bureau of Interpol, …

  • Russian media: detained US citizen was caught in possession of classified information in Moscow

    US citizen Paul Whelan was arrested by police shortly after receiving a storage device with information about a Russian state secret – a classified list of persons that American intelligence has been interested in for some time. 

    A source in Russia’s intelligence agency told Rosbalt that the operation to arrest Whelan was carried out in his room at the Metropol hotel. The American reportedly received an electronic medium with a list of all the staff of one of the classified Russian departments. …