Contents tagged with Lithuania

  • Ukraine to provide Lithuania with barbed wire for construction of fence on border with Belarus

    Ukraine will provide Lithuania with barbed wire for the construction of the fence on the border with Belarus, according to the decision made at a government meeting.

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that Ukraine has decided to provide Lithuania with “humanitarian aid” in the form of barbed wire due to the critical situation on the border with Belarus.

    According to Kuleba, Lithuania itself asked Ukraine for barbed wire.

    The number of illegal migrants who enter Lithuania from …

  • Lithuania builds barbed wire fence on the border with Belarus

    On Friday, July 9, The Lithuanian army began to install a barbed wire fence on the southern border with Belarus near the city of Druskininkai, reported the Lithuanian news agency BNS.

    The total length of the border section  where barbed wire fence will appear is about 30 kilometers. The fence is being built in this location because since the beginning of the year the largest number of illegal migrants, more than half a thousand, have been detained here. In total, during 2021, at least one and …

  • Russian military aircraft disrupts Spanish Prime Minister’s press conference in Lithuania

    Russian military aircraft disrupted the briefing of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and Lithuanian President Gatanas Nauseda, which took place at the NATO air base in the Lithuanian city of Šiauliai, reported the Spanish newspaper El Mundo.

    During Nauseda's speech, a representative of the Spanish air force contingent stationed in Lithuania approached Sanchez notifying him of an unidentified Russian aircraft over the Baltic Sea.

    After the alarm signal in the room where the press …

  • Lithuania grants diplomatic status to Belarusian opposition leader’s office

    The Lithuanian authorities have granted the office of the leader of the Belarusian opposition, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, official diplomatic status, announced Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis, handing the policy a note of the Foreign Ministry on accreditation, TASS reports.

    "The Belarusian Democratic Representation has been officially accredited in Lithuania," Landsbergis said.

    The minister added that this was done at the request of Tikhanovskaya's office.

    Landsbergis also …

  • Lithuania declares state of emergency due to influx of migrants from Belarus

    The Lithuanian government has decided to declare a state of emergency, due to the influx of illegal migrants coming through the border with Belarus, reports Delfi.

    Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė is heading the emergency operation.

    It is noted that over the past 24 hours Lithuanian border guards detained 150 illegal migrants. This is almost three times more than the previous daily records.

    Currently, 835 accommodation places have been created for illegal migrants. 500 of them have been …

  • Russia expels seven Slovak, Lithuanian and Estonian diplomats

    Russia expels a total of seven diplomats from Slovakia and the Baltic States. The Russian Foreign Ministry said that three employees of the Slovak Embassy in Moscow, two employees of the Lithuanian Embassy and one each from the embassies of Latvia and Estonia were declared persona non grata.

    The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the ambassadors of these countries. They were given "letters of protest in connection with provocative, unreasonable decisions" to expel employees of Russian …

  • Lithuania prepares to expel Russian diplomats

    Lithuanian authorities are currently discussing with NATO allies the possibility of expelling Russian diplomats from the embassy in Vilnius in solidarity with the Czech Republic, Political Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Asta Skaisgiryte said on LRT radio.

    "We are currently discussing this with our allies," she said.

    According to her, the Lithuanian authorities support this idea. "Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda fully supports the Czech Republic's efforts to …

  • Another President calls Putin ‘a killer’

    Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda also believes that Russian leader Vladimir Putin can be called "a killer", reported the news agency Delfi.

    When asked by a reporter if he, like his American counterpart Joe Biden, believes that Putin is "a killer," he replied: "Unfortunately, yes."

    According to the President of Lithuania, Russia clearly does not respect the territorial integrity of neighboring states, such as Ukraine.

    "I see many signs of blatant disregard for the values of the civilized …

  • Lithuania refuses to extradite opposition leader Tikhanovskaya to Belarus

    Any attempt by the Belarusian authorities to demand the extradition of ex-presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya from Lithuania is doomed to failure, said Lithuanian Deputy Foreign Minister Mantas Adomenas in an interview with Deutsche Welle.

    "Lithuania does not extradite people who are subjected to political persecution. Minsk is well aware of the answer we will give them," the deputy foreign minister said.

    According to him, any request for Tikhanovskaya's extradition would be a " …

  • Lithuania rejects Russia's request to detain Navalny’s ally

    Lithuanian authorities refused to detain Leonid Volkov, the head of the network of regional headquarters of the opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who was put by Russia on the interstate wanted list, reports Delfi with reference to the Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis.

    "The use of the international arrest warrant instruments against the opposition, in fact, discredits Russia's participation in these instruments," the Foreign Minister said.

    The Lithuanian Interior Minister, …