Contents tagged with Latakia

  • UK and Latvia announce tender for FPV drones to support Ukrainian Forces

    The United Kingdom and Latvia have announced a tender for the procurement of FPV drones to be supplied to Ukraine's Defence Forces, according to a Facebook post by Deputy Minister of Defence for Digital Development, Ekaterina Chernohorenko.

    Chernohorenko noted that companies from all countries within the Ukraine Defence Contact Group, including Ukrainian drone manufacturers, are eligible to participate in the tender. The tender will select companies to supply UAVs to the Ukrainian military on …

  • Russian Khmeimin airbase in Syria comes under drone attack

    Militants in Syria have tried to attack Khmeimim airbase used by the Russian armed forces with drones, stated the head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria Rear Admiral Alexander Scherbitsky, RIA Novosti reports.

    According to him, Russian air defense systems detected the drones on July 11 at 22:30 local time. They were approaching the airbase from the northeast direction.

    "Russian air defense systems destroyed two militants’ unmanned aerial vehicles at a …

  • Syria claims to have thwarted drone attack on Latakia province

    Syrian Air Defense (Air Defense) repelled a drone attack over the city of Jableh in the west of the country, reported the Syrian state-run agency SANA.

    According to SANA, the air defense systems also destroyed several missiles over the Homs province. According to the agency, the attack was carried out from the territory of neighboring Lebanon.

    In early June, Syrian air defenses repelled an Israeli missile attack on Hama province.

    Late last year, militants used drones to attack Russia's …

  • Unidentified fighter jets attack Syrian targets near Russia's largest air base

    Syrian television reported that the town of Jableh, located just one kilometer from Russia's Khmeimim military airbase, had been hit by rocket fire coming from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea. Several air-to-surface missiles were reportedly fired in the direction of the Russian military airfield.

    "The Syrian Arab Republic's air defense systems in the west of the country were activated the night before. Syrian television reported that unidentified forces had struck in the vicinity of …

  • Russia to lease Syrian port of Tartus for 49 years

    Sometime next week, Russia will begin its 49 year lease of the sea port of Tartus in Syria for transport and economic use, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov told reporters on April 20 following a meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad.

    In 2017, Russia and Syria signed an agreement on the deployment of a Russian navy logistics support center in Tartus for a term of 49 years. A similar agreement was reached about the RF “Hmeimim” air base in Latakia, Syria.

    “The key issue that will …

  • Iran trying to oust Russia from Syrian Latakia

    Iran could obtain control over a container port in the Syrian province of Latakia. Negotiations between the leaders of the Islamic republic and representatives of Damascus are already underway, and it is possible that Israel could have Iranian specialists on its doorstep by autumn, reports Rambler news outlet. A stronger foothold for Tehran in Syria will create risks not only for the Hebrew state, but also for Russia, whose relations with Iran can hardly be described as a “strategic partnership” …

  • Media: Russia sent a large landing ship to Syria

    A large Russian Navy landing ship (BDK) named Nikolay Filchenkov entered the waters of the Mediterranean through the Black Sea straits.

    Turkish media reports that the ship went through the Bosporus and is heading towards the Syrian port Tartus, where a Russian Navy logistics base is located.

    The Turkish media published the photos of the ship which was accompanied by s Turkish coast guard boat. Observers concluded that it was carrying a heavy load.

    On November 8th, a large landing ship of the …

  • Russia sends 2 additional warships to Syria

    Two guided-missiles warships of the Russian Black Sea fleet are on their way to Syria to reinforce the flotilla based at Syria’s port city of Latakia, as  reported by the observers monitoring the ship traffic in the Bosphorus Strait.

    The two Russian warships have been identified as the 868 Pytilvy Krivak-class frigate and the 870 Smetlivy Kashin-class destroyer.The 868 Pytily specializes is an anti-ship and anti-submarine frigate. The 870 Smetlivyy is a an assault ship capable of  carrying out …