Contents tagged with Kadyrov

  • Russian federal troops amass along Chechnya border

    On April 20, a large number of Russian federal troops were seen in the Nadterechny District of Chechnya, bordering Ingushetia, North Ossetia and Stavropol region, Novaya Gazeta reported, citing eyewitnesses.

    The video, published by Novaya Gazeta, shows a number of Ural trucks and military tents, lined up along the highway in the vicinity of the villages of Bratskoye, Beno-Yurt and Znamenskoye in the north-west of the republic.

    Local residents suggested that the appearance of military …

  • Russian media: Kremlin asked Kadyrov to resign

    A well-known Russian newspaper, citing a source in the Kremlin, reported that Kadyrov was asked to resign as head of Chechnya.

    The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, could become the Russian president's representative.

    "Ramzan Kadyrov has received an offer to take a new position," reports the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" quoting a source in the Kremlin.

    Yesterday, the Russian news agency Novosti reported, quoting Kadyrov’s spokesman Alvi Karimov, that the head of Chechnya …

  • Chechen leader Kadyrov faces problems in Muslim world

    Saleh ibn Baz, grandson of the former mufti of Saudi Arabia, Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz, has sharply criticized the leadership of Chechnya and refused to visit the republic. Adam Shahidov, an advisor to Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, had invited Saleh to visit the Chechen Republic in the course of their personal correspondence.

    As reported by Kavkaz.Realii, Saleh ibn Baz reacted sharply to Kadyrov’s statement that the Wahhabites killed the supporters of the prophet Muhammad. In response, Shahidov …

  • Kadyrov’s close circle rounded up in Chechen Republic

    For several months, the Chechen Republic has been rounding up members of the close circle of Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the republic. Through torture and beatings in secret prisons, they are being made to confess to treason, Novaya Gazeta reports.

    According to the news agency, the detainees and their relatives are having all of their property confiscated, and are being forced to pay millions in “donations” to the Akhmat Kadyrov Foundation. The round-ups began after the resignation of Ibrahim …

  • Media presents proof of Russian special forces activity in Norway

    The “Flying Squad” Chechen special forces division has been operating periodically in Norway, Novaya Gazeta reports, based on an analysis of information gathered from social networks.

    The Russian news outlet gathered information from Instagram posts, especially photographs and videos of the presumed commandos, as well as geolocations and comments. Novaya Gazeta believes that they have been conducting operations in the Arctic since 2016.

    On March 2 last year, a user called bes_600 posted a …

  • Media: Police in Chechnya required to study Akhmad Kadyrov’s biography

    Employees of some police stations in the Chechen Republic have received orders requiring them to learn the biography of Akhmad Kadyrov, father of the current head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. According to a report by “Caucasus. Realities,” the text of the biography was distributed in one of the republic’s police departments.

    Kavkaz.Realii reports that police workers are required to memorize facts from Akhmad Kadyrov’s biography.

    Chechen Interior Ministry officials are often given instructions …

  • Putin hands over to Chechnya an oil company at Kadyrov’s request

    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree to transfer all shares of the public joint-stock company Chechenneftekhimprom to the Chechen Republic, which has been under Russian state ownership. Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov had asked in 2015 about transferring the company to Chechnya.

    Putin’s decree was published on the Internet portal of legal information. It states that the decision has been made regardig the proposal of the Chechen and Russian governments “in order to develop industrial …

  • Parliament of Chechnya proposes to allow Putin to hold presidency for three consecutive terms

    The draft bill on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s term appeared on the website of the Russian State Duma after being registered on Friday and sent to the Duma’s Chairman. The document was introduced by the Parliament of the Chechen Republic.

    On May 9, Chechen legislators proposed to allow the Russian President to hold the post for three consecutive terms. This suggestion was initially put forward by the Head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, who stated that “there is no alternative” …

  • Chechen leader Kadyrov accuses the West of information attacks on Chechnya

    Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov, at a meeting with senior law enforcement and special services officers stated that reports about violations of human rights in Chechnya are “information attacks” launched by western countries, as reported on the Chechen government website.

    In particular, Kadyrov said that despite the fact that “Chechnya is barely visible on a map” it frequently comes up as the center of attention of “western states and their minions in our country.” Kadyrov refuted “all …

  • Russia asks Facebook and Instagram to explain why Kadyrov’s account were blocked

    The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media, (Roskomnadzor) asked the social networks, Facebook and Instagram, to provide explanations for blocking accounts belonging to the leadership of Chechnya, in particular, the Head of the Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov.

    On December 26th, Roskomnadzor sent a letter to Facebook’s management asking about the reasons for removing Ramzan Kadyrov's accounts from Facebook and Instagram," according to the Russian …