Contents tagged with Kadyrov

  • Russian media banned from quoting Kadyrov without permission

    Russian state media has been banned from quoting the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, without the approval of the top management, reported the journalistic investigative association Proekt with reference to two employees from the Russian state news agency TASS.

    According to Proekt’s sources, if earlier they could publish Kadyrov’s statements at their discretion, now an approval of one of the deputy editors-in-chief is required and further approval from the Kremlin might be needed. …

  • Media: Kadyrov owns a luxury villa in Dubai worth at least $7 million

    The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, owns one of the villas on the territory of a 5-star hotel in Dubai, worth at least $ 7 million, reports Ukrainska Pravda.

    Thanks to Kadyrov’s love for social networks, journalists have found where the head of Chechnya stays almost every month when he visits the United Arab Emirates.

    In 2021-2022 alone, Kadyrov visited the UAE 14 times flying in on his Airbus A319 private jet, worth about $80 million.

    His villa is located on the territory of the five-star …

  • Kyiv: information about Kadyrov fighters coming to Ukraine to kill President Zelensky was leaked by Russian FSB

    Russia has sent Chechen fighters to Ukraine to eliminate President Volodymyr Zelensky. However, representatives of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), who oppose Russia's invasion, leaked the details to the Ukrainian special services. As a result, some of the Kadyrov fighters were destroyed and Ukrainians are looking for the second group, said Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov.

    "We are all aware of the special operation, which was to be carried out …

  • Kadyrov: Russia should annex Ukraine

    If Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky continues to pursue an anti-Russian policy, Russia will have to annex Ukraine, said Chechen leader Ramzan Kadirov.

    "Ukrainians are our people, this is our territory. This is my opinion," Kadyrov said at a press conference in Grozny.

    He also said that he himself "would have solved the Ukrainian 'issue' a long time ago, but a corresponding instruction is needed."

    "Either I would have annexed the Chechen Republic to Ukraine, or I would have taken it …

  • Kremlin dissociates itself from Kadyrov's words about ‘disorder’ in Jerusalem

    The statement of the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov that the Israeli authorities should apologize to the Arab population for the situation in East Jerusalem does not reflect the official position of Russia, said the press secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov.

    "You know that the foreign policy position of the Russian Federation is formulated by the President," Peskov said.

    According to him, Kadyrov's statement cannot be considered an official position of Moscow.

    "We …

  • Kadyrov is given rank of Major General by Putin

    Russian President Vladimir Putin gave head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov military rank of Major General.

    Kadyrov wrote on his VKontakte page that Putin himself read out the decree by phone and congratulated him on the new rank.

    "Yesterday, I had the honor to accept congratulations on the military rank of Major General personally from the President of Russia, Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Vladimir Putin," Kadyrov wrote.

    The head of Chechnya reminded that he is Putin's "faithful infantryman" and is …

  • U.S. puts head of Chechnya Kadyrov on sanctions list

    The U.S. State Department has put the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, on the sanctions list for "gross human rights violations," stated the U.S Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

    Restrictions on Kadyrov are imposed under section 7031 of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2020.

    Under this provision, the U.S. Department of State must prohibit entry to a foreign civil servant if there is credible information that he was directly or …

  • Kadyrov demands apologies from Ukrainian President Zelensky

    The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, demanded that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky confirm his earlier apology.

    "Why now, after the apology was accepted, to try to portray something, to wobble, to wag, to try to elevate oneself? Now you, having received the powers of the President of Ukraine, every time come up with new versions of the apology. You will have to  firmly decide  on your position and confirm your apologies. If not, you will have to answer to me," Kadyrov wrote on his …

  • Kadyrov’s critic assassinated in Austria

    A 43-year-old Russian asylum seeker was shot dead in the Austrian city of Gerasdorf on Saturday, July 4.

    Austrian news outlet OE24 writes that the man was shot in the head. The incident took place near one of the city's shopping centers.

    Gerasdorf is located 20 km from Vienna.

    Austrian special forces detained a suspect in Linz, he is also a Russian citizen. The man did not resist arrest.

    Austrian radio station ORF reported that both Russians were probably from Chechnya.

    According to Kavkaz. …

  • Kadyrov suggests making Putin President for Life

    The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, has proposed appointing Vladimir Putin for a presidential term "for life."

    "I have always said that we should elect Vladimir Putin as a president for life. Who can replace him today? There is no such political leader on a global scale. We should be proud of it," Kadyrov said during a meeting of the country's operational headquarters to fight the coronavirus.

    Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the Russian President, has already commented on …