Contents tagged with Iran

  • Israeli minister threatens to overthrow Assad

    Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz threatened to overthrow and kill Syrian President Bashar al-Assad if he continues to allow Iran to operate out of Syria, the Israeli news outlet Ynet reports.

    The Israeli government accuses Iran, one of Syria’s primary allies, of striving to turn Syria into a hostile staging area. However, Israel promises to prevent this, even if it requires use of military force.

    “If Syrian President Bashar al-Assad continues to allow the Iranians to operate out of …

  • Israel expresses readiness for war with Iran

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that his country will not allow Iran to have a "hostile" military presence on its northern borders.

    According to Netanyahu, Israel is even prepared to enter into a war with its neighbor if it sees Iran escalating aggression. Israel does not seek to aggravate the situation, but "is prepared for any scenario," the Minister stressed.

    "We are determined to block Iran's aggression against us, even if this means a struggle. Better now than later,” …

  • Macron and Putin discuss Iran nuclear program

    French President Emmanuel Macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed Iran’s nuclear program during a recently-held telephone conversation, as reported by the French President’s Press Office reported on this development.

    “The Presidents expressed their common desire to preserve the achievement of the 2015 agreement on Iran's nuclear energy,” said the statement.

    Macron also stressed that discussions regarding control of Iranian nuclear activity after 2025, Iran’s missile program, and …

  • International Atomic Energy Agency does not confirm Netanyahu’s accusation of Iran

    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has said that it “had no credible indications of activities in Iran relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device after 2009.” The IAEA Board of Directors concluded that the matter has been closed on the basis of a report submitted to it in 2015, according to a statement issued by the IAEA on Tuesday, May 1.

    This report was released the day after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that his country had new evidence that …

  • Israel intends to stop Iran with the help of the United States

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he is encouraged by the US readiness to lead and support a campaign against Iran's nuclear ambitions, RIA Novosti reported.

    On Sunday, April 29, Netanyahu met in Tel Aviv with the new US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, who stated that the US administration has a "comprehensive Iranian strategy" that takes into account not only Tehran's nuclear project but also "non-nuclear" threats, including a military presence in Syria.

    "Iran must be stopped. …

  • Israel prepared to destroy Russian S-300 missile systems in Syria

    Israeli Minister of Defense Avigdor Lieberman has commented on the possible delivery of Russian S-300 air defense systems to Syria.

    According to Lieberman, Israel’s only concern regarding the systems delivery is which targets the systems may be used against. The Minister stressed that Israel’s problem is not Russia, as Russian air defense systems have already been deployed in Syria and not used against Israel.

    “What's important to us is that the defensive weapons the Russians are giving Syria …

  • Putin warns of 'chaos' if US strikes Syria again

    Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on the phone, according to a press release on the Kremlin’s website. The presidents “exchanged opinions on the situation following the missile strike by the US and their allies in Syrian territory”. The phone call was initiated by Iran.

    “It was acknowledged that this unlawful action will seriously harm the prospects of a political resolution in Syria. In particular, Vladimir Putin emphasized that if such UN Charter- …

  • Israel considers attack on Syria an 'important signal' to Iran and Hezbollah

    The Reuters news agency quotes the Israeli government as saying that missile strikes against targets in Syria have become an "important signal" to Iranian authorities and the Hezbollah movement.

    "The use of chemical weapons is the crossing of a red line that mankind can no longer tolerate," Yoav Galant, the country’s Minister of Construction and former Commander of the Southern Command of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), wrote on Twitter. "The American strike is an important signal to the …

  • Syrian sources: unidentified warplanes strike Iranian weapons depot in Syria

    Syrian Observatory for Human Right (SOHR) reports a powerful explosion in the area of Mount Azzan in southern Aleppo. The Iranian weapons storage facility, said to be one of the biggest in the country, is located in Mount Azzan and was reportedly used by Hezbollah, which is backed by Iran, and other Iranian militias in Syria.

    Skynews Arabia and Al Jazeera claim that unidentified warplanes struck the Iranian weapons depot.

    Unidentified planes were seen in the area during the strikes. Syrian …

  • Israeli Defense Minister: Israel will not allow Iran to entrench itself in Syria

    Israel will not allow Iran to establish itself in a military manner in Syria, said Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, The Times of Israel reports.

    The head of the defense department did not confirm or deny the claims that the Israeli Air Force was behind the airstrike on the T-4 airbase in Syria’s Homs province.

    “I don’t know what happened, who attacked the T-4,” Lieberman said, “I know only one thing: we will not allow Iran to establish itself in Syria. We have no other choice.”

    “ …