Contents tagged with Iran

  • US Treasury Department: providing services to Iranian aircraft may lead to sanctions

    Countries that permit airplanes from Iran to land and be serviced at their airports may face consequences, including sanctions. Acting US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Sigal Mandelker, who also serves as Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, announced this on Tuesday while speaking at the Washington-based Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.

     “Countries and companies around the world should take note of the risks associated with granting landing …

  • Kyiv: Iran wants to buy $1.5 billion worth of agricultural products from Ukraine

    Iran expressed its intention to buy agricultural products from Ukraine for $1.5 billion and suggested simplifying the export process to promote significant trade potential between the countries,as reported on the website of Ukraine’s Ministry of Agrarian Policy following the meeting of Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy Viktor Sheremet with an Iranian delegation.

    It was noted that Iran is interested in increasing imports of agricultural products from Ukraine, including vegetable oil and …

  • French automaker PSA Group preparing to leave Iran because of U.S. sanctions

    The French automaker PSA Group is preparing to withdraw from Iran due to the threat of U.S. sanctions, reported France-Presse, citing a statement from the industrial group.

    “The process to suspend joint venture activities has been initiated in order to adapt the situation to U.S. law before August 6, 2018,” the company said.

    At the same time, the company’s headquarters stressed that “the company’s management is in contact with U.S. authorities in an attempt to reach an agreement on exclusion …

  • Iran considers renewing nuclear program

    The supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran should immediately begin enriching uranium. According to him, Iran cannot be simultaneously under sanctions and under “nuclear surveillance,” RIA Novosti reported, citing local media.

    Khamenei said that the relevant Iranian bodies should be ready for any decision made by Iranian authorities. The ayatollah also warned Europe that it should not think that Iran will adhere to the JCPOA (Joint …

  • Stoltenberg: NATO will not help Israel in the event of an attack by Iran

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated in an interview with Der Spiegel that NATO will not help Israel in the event of armed conflict with Iran. Stoltenberg noted that NATO cannot provide Israel with full security guarantees, since the country is not a member of the organization, although it remains a partner of the alliance.  Stoltenberg stressed that the Alliance does not participate in the settlement process in the Middle East. “This is not our job,” he stated. However, he …

  • Russia: agreement on withdrawal of Iranian troops from southern Syria achieved

    Vassily Nebenzia, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, told journalists on Friday that concerned parties have reached an agreement on the withdrawal of Iranian troops from southwestern Syria.

    "I heard this news, [from] the press and elsewhere, about an agreement reached on a certain disengagement in the southwest of Syria…. My understanding is that the agreement was reached. [As to] whether it has been implemented by now, as of now, I cannot answer. But I …

  • Tehran: US preparing cyber-attacks on Iran's energy infrastructure

    The U.S. plans to carry out cyber-attacks on Iranian energy infrastructure, stated the head of the Head of Iran's Civil Defense Organization, Gholam Reza Jalal, as quoted by the news agency Mehr.

    According to the official, Iranian authorities came to this conclusion after analyzing public speeches of the US officials and publications in the American press. He noted that cyber-attack on the Iranian infrastructure became possible due to computerization of the country. He stressed that Iran's …

  • Media: Israel consents to the deployment of Syrian troops at its border

    Israel has given its consent to the deployment of Syrian army troops near the northern border of the country, reported Channel 2 with reference to an unnamed high-ranking source.

    The agreement stipulates that the government forces of Syrian President Bashar Assad will take up positions near the Israeli border.

    “In return, Russia says that Iranian and Hezbollah forces will be kept away from the border,” reported RIA Novosti. The report noted that Moscow participated in the talks between the …

  • Israel strikes Syrian airbase in Homs province

    According to the Syrian state agency SANA, Dabaa military airbase in the province of Homs was subjected to a missile attack. SANA does not report who carried out the missile strikes on the airbase.

    At the same time, Syrian sources report that Israeli warplanes were seen crossing the Lebanese airspace in the direction of Homs. It is reported that Hezbollah and Iranian forces are stationed at the airbase.

    According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), 6 missiles have been fired at …

  • Tel Aviv accuses Syria of firing at Israeli warplanes

    The commander of the Israeli Air Force, Amikam Norkin, said that Syrian anti-aircraft systems fired more than 100 missiles at Israeli warplanes, which struck Iranian military facilities on the night of May 10.

    All the planes involved in the largest-ever operation against Iranian forces safely returned to their bases. Along the route, they fired on the anti-aircraft systems that shot at them, including Russian-produced Pantsir and Buk systems which were recently imported to Syria.

    “In the …