Contents tagged with Iran

  • Iran threatens to resume uranium enrichment after US withdraws from nuclear deal

    At a joint press conference with European Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete, Ali Akbar Salehi, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, said that he does not rule out the possibility that the Islamic Republic of Iran will resume uranium enrichment, Interfax reported.

    "In front of us there is a choice from many possibilities; we can resume enrichment of uranium up to 20%," the official said.

    "If the other side keeps itself committed to its promises, we also will keep them. Our policy is …

  • U.S. sanctions force French conglomerate Total to withdraw from Iran’s South Pars project

    French oil and gas company Total will not continue its obligations in connection with Phase 11 of the South Pars project and is currently working with U.S. and French authorities to explore the possibility of withdrawing from the project, the company’s statement says.

    In addition, Total confirms that leaving the project will not affect the target of 5% annual average production growth in the period from 2016 to 2022, Interfax reported.

    On May 8, U.S. President Donald Trump announced that …

  • Berlin admits it cannot protect German companies from US sanctions on Iran

    Germany does not see any simple opportunities to protect its businesses from the new sanctions which Washington may place on Iran in the next three months, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told Bild in an interview.“I don’t see a simple solution for protecting our companies from all risks related to sanctions in the US,” Maas observed.

    He added that the European Union, whose companies have made a large number of deals with Iran following the lifting of the sanction regime in 2016, intends to …

  • Dozens of Iranian and Syrian soldiers killed during Israeli strike in Syria

    The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights in London reports that at least 27 members of armed groups were killed as a result of Israeli missile strikes on sites in Syria during the night of May 10.

    "At least 27 pro-regime [of Bashar al-Assad] fighters were killed: six Syrian soldiers and 21 foreign fighters, including 11 Iranians," said Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

    The Center earlier reported the deaths of 23 people during the strike, without specifying …

  • Iran threatens to 'level Tel-Aviv and Haifa to the ground'

    Following the Israeli Air Force attack on Iranian positions in Syria, a member of the Iranian Council of Experts, Ahmad Khatami stated after the Friday prayer that Iran will destroy the largest city in Israel - Tel Aviv and Haifa.

    According to him, Iran can "level these cities to the ground" even without nuclear weapons, only thanks to the power of Iran’s missiles.

    "We do not talk about a nuclear bomb, but on the contrary, our policy is a deterrent policy, every day Iran's missile power is …

  • Netanyahu: Israel’s actions in Syria are not directed against Assad’s army

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Syrian government troops were not originally the target of the Israeli Air Force, but were under attack because they opened fire on Israeli military aircraft.

    According to him, Tel Aviv sent a “clear message” to Damascus in advance, demanding that it not interfere with the Israeli Air Force’s attacks on Iranian military facilities in Syria.

    “Our actions are directed against Iranian targets in Syria, but if the Syrian army attacks us, we will …

  • Israeli missile destroys Russian anti-aircraft system in Syria

    The Israel Defense Force (IDF) released a video in which an Israeli Spike NLOS missile hits a Pantsir-S1 missile defense system, which was sent to Syria by Russia.

    The destroyed Pantsir system was at the Mezzeh military airbase (Damascus), which is located 3.8 km from the presidential palace of Bashar Assad.

    It was noted that the video was shot from a camera on the missile. When the missile approaches the defense system, the image disappears.

    “The IDF struck an SA22 aerial interception …

  • Iran launches missile attack on Israel from Syrian territory, Israel retaliates

    The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reported that Iranian forces in Syria fired missiles at the positions of Israeli troops in the Golan Heights.

    According to the IDF press service, around midnight, about 20 missiles were fired at positions on the Golan Heights by Iranian Quds Force.

    A representative of the army added that some missiles were intercepted by Israel’s missile defense system.

    He noted that as of yet there is no information about losses or damage as a result of one of the most …

  • Israel puts troops in state of high alert

    Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has ordered local authorities to prepare bomb shelters. This was after the military noted “irregular activity of Iranian forces in Syria,” the Jerusalem Post reported a military spokesman as saying.

    Additionally, the Israeli military was put on high alert and deployed air defense forces in the northern part of the country, the newspaper reported.

    “The IDF is prepared for various scenarios and warns that any aggression against Israel will be met with a severe …

  • Israel strikes Iranian military base in Syria

    The Israeli Air Force has carried out a missile attack on the military base in the town of Al-Kiswah near Damascus.

    Syrian state agency SANA reports, citing military sources, that Syrian air defense shot down two Israeli missiles. According to the agency no one was killed.

    The Arab media reports that Israeli strikes were aimed at Iranian military targets in Syria.

     According to unconfirmed reports, the Israeli warplanes destroyed an Iranian weapons convoy carrying missiles intended for …