Contents tagged with Baltic States

  • Der Spiegel: Baltic states and Poland ready to intervene in Ukraine if Russia gains ground

    According to German magazine Der Spiegel, Baltic states and Poland are prepared to send their troops to Ukraine if the Russian military achieves significant successes on the battlefield. The magazine references comments from deputies of the Baltic countries.

    The potential for a strategic breakthrough by Russians in eastern Ukraine is high, attributed partly to the lack of robust support from Western countries. Sources from the publication note that Germany's inconsistent policies do not align …

  • Ukraine, Georgia and Baltic states form group in PACE to protest Russia’s return

    Ukraine, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia will not be attending the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the five delegations said in a statement published by the Ukrainian MP Elizaveta Yasko.

    The démarche was prompted by PACE’s decision in June to restore the Russian delegation’s voting right, despite Russia’s ongoing occupation of Crimea and the eastern regions of Ukraine.

    “We are announcing the creation of …

  • Baltic countries and EU confirm plan to disconnect from Russian power grid

    The leaders of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland have signed a roadmap agreement with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Vice-President Maros Sefcovic to synchronize their energy networks with that of continental Europe, the EC announced on its website. The Baltic states’ electricity networks will be de-synchronized from those of Russia and Belarus.

    Full synchronization of the Baltic states’ networks with Europe’s through Poland should be achieved by 2025. “My Commission …

  • French Air Force to begin air patrols over Baltic in 2020

    Chief of Staff of the French Air Force Philippe Lavigne in an interview with an American magazine Aviation Week & Space Technology said that the French Air Force will begin air patrols over the Baltic countries next year.

    "As a part of NATO's plan to assure [our allies] of the support, we plan to help with a task of patrolling the Baltic region in 2020. We plan to deploy Mirage fighter jets in Estonia, as well as to conduct flights of aircraft of distant radar-tracking detection and management, …

  • Kremlin demands explanation why UK special forces have been tasked with countering Russian special operations

    The British ministries of defense and foreign affairs must explain publicly the reports in the British media that the UK special forces have been retasked with countering Russian special operations, said the spokesperson of the Russian Embassy in the UK.

    “As far as we understand, these are still drafts that will be presented for approval by the political leadership. We would like to hope that the relevant politicians will not allow the soldiers and special forces to implement their dangerous …

  • NATO: Alliance exercises in Baltic are not directed against third countries

    NATO's large-scale naval military exercises in the Baltic sea named BALTOPS-2019 that have started on Sunday, "are not directed against third countries," said the official representative of the Alliance Oana Lungescu.

    Russia is the only country in the Baltic region that does not participate in these maneuvers. Two other vital Baltic states, Sweden and Finland, who are not members of NATO, also participate in the exercises as partners.

    "The Baltic sea has strategic importance for the Alliance. …

  • Most Latvian parties support sanctions against Russia

    The majority of Latvian parties running in the European Parliament elections are in favor of maintaining the sanctions on Russia, according to a survey conducted by the LETA news agency.

    The parties New Unity, the Union of Greens and Farmers, the Progressives, the Latvian Association of Regions, Who Owns the State, and “Development/For!” believe that “the sanctions must be maintained in the current form and amendments to them can be made depending on changes for the better or the worse in …

  • Kremlin: Russia strengthening troops in response to NATO activity near its borders

    Russia is increasing the number of troops in its Western and Southern military districts in response to active NATO operations near the country's borders, said the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Valery Gerasimov, during the Moscow Security Conference.

    “To counterweigh the deployment of Alliance troops near Russia’s borders as well as the NATO initiative, we are forced to increase the number of troops in its Western and Southern military districts, RNS quoted Gerasimov. The …

  • Baltic States and Poland begin next stage in synchronizing power transmissions systems

    The technical phase of the program of the synchronization of the electricity systems of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia through Poland has begun, reported Polish Radio .

    All four countries and the European Commission supported the project. Synchronizing the systems should be completed by 2025.

    During the National Energy Summit in Gdansk, Piotr Naimski, the Polish government's adviser on strategic energy infrastructure, called attention to the fact that gas interconnections between Poland, …

  • Estonian President to visit Russia for the first time in eight years

    Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid will visit Moscow on April 18 to open the historic Baltic embassy building. According to the statement publisherd of the Estonian President’s website, this is the first visit of the Estonian president to Russia since 2011.

    “The last Estonian president to visit Russia was Toomas Hendrik Ilves in 2011, who visited St Petersburg for the second consecration of St. John's Church, “reads the statement.

    Historically, the embassy in Moscow was the first foreign …