• American hedge funds are betting against the Russian ruble

    As reported by the US Futures trading commission starting November 2014 American hedge funds and currency traders have placed a record number of short future contracts against the Russian ruble.

    The total number of short positions (betting on collapse of the Russian currency) has reached 6848 contracts (17.2 billion rubles).

    Overall the investors were net short 2857 contracts (7.14 billion rubles). This number takes into account long positions – bets on the increase of the value of the …

  • Putin won his war in Ukraine

    Marvin Kalb is senior adviser at the Pulitzer Center and a fellow at the Brookings Institution. His book “Imperial Gamble: Putin, Ukraine and the New Cold War” will be published this month.


  • Ukrainian war casualties: 8 thousand people killed since April 2014.

    At least 7962 people have been killed in eastern Ukraine since mid-April 2014 according to the Report by Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

    As reported, in total, since the beginning of the hostilities in mid-April 2014 until 15 May 2015, at least 6,362 people (including at least 625 women and girls) were documented as killed and 15,775 as wounded in the conflict area of eastern Ukraine. Many people remain missing; bodies continue to be recovered. Serious human …

  • Former Ukrainian president Yanokovych has become richer over the summer

    According to the reports of Ukrainian financial Monitoring Agency the value of the assets of ousted Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych and the former government officials has increased over the summer months.As of the end of August The value of the frozen assets of the former high rank Ukrainian officials from Yanukovych’s government amounted to 107.2 million US dollars, 15.9 million  Euros and 135 million  Swiss Francs. This is 13.1 million Swiss Francs more than it was in the end of May.  …

  • Bulgarian airespace is closed to Russian fllights

    Bulgaria has closed the country's airspace to Syrian-bound Russian flights.

    Bulgarian authorities have not given any reason for refusal to provide an airspace to  two Russian flights.The planes will have to take an alternate route over Iran.Russian Federation has submitted a request to Bulgarian authorities to provide airspace to  two Russian flights to deliver humanitarian aid to Syria.Bulgarian authorities have  refused to provide an airspace  without giving an official reason.On Monday, …

  • Bulgaria closed its air for Russian aircrafts to Syria

    Bulgaria closed its air for Russian aircrafts with humanitarian aid to Syria.

    According to the Greek edition of Kathimerini, the decision of Bulgaria will "simplify” the life of Greek government. "We have enough information that makes us have serious doubts about the cargo of the planes, which is the reason for the refusal," the Bulgarian foreign ministry’s spokeswoman said on Tuesday. Earlier it was reported that Greece received a request from the US to prohibit Russian aircraft with …

  • Coup in Pro-Kremlin Donetsk Republic

    Andrei Purgin, President of the National Council of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic has been ousted from his position and his  deputy Denis Pushilin has taken over his seat.The arrest warrant has been issued for a head of the National Council of Donetsk Republic,  Mr. Alexandrov. Mr. Purgin and Mr. Alexandrov were initially prevented from entering Donetsk Republic at the Uspenka border crossing with Russia on Friday. After several hours they managed to make their way to Donetsk. …

  • Admiral hails spirit of Ukraine’s battered navy

    Much of the blow from Russia’s 2014 invasion of Crimea fell on Ukraine’s navy, which lost two-thirds of its men, the majority of its ships and its Black Sea port in SevastopolBy Steven Beardsley in Stars and Stripes


  • Ukrainian Space Agency visits NASA

    Ukrainian Space Agency visits NASA

     On the 1st of September a Ukrainian delegation headed by Lubomyr Sabadosh, Chairman of the National Space Agency of Ukraine began a visit to the United States.A few meetings already took place as of September the 2d: a meeting with NASA,  and a number of leading companies in the US space industry, including  «Orbital ATK» and «Boeing».

    Negotiations showed unlimited prospects of deepening cooperation between Ukraine and the USA in the field of space research …

  • New Military Doctrine of Ukraine

    According to the press service of the National Security Council after the meeting held on Wednesday,  a new Military Doctrine draft has been adopted and passed for approval to the President of Ukraine.

    The document defines the Russian Federation as a military adversary of Ukraine and takes into account the high probability of a large-scale military campaign against Ukraine.

    In addition, new military doctrine confirms the rejection of the policy of non-alignment and restores the strategic …