• Dzhemilev met with Erdoğan

    On 17th December, Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met with the Ukrainian presidential envoy for Crimean Tatar People’s Affairs, Mustafa Dzhemilev, Anadolu reported. The meeting took place in a hotel in Konya. The Turkish Vice Prime Minister, Yalçın Akdoğan also participated in the meeting, which lasted about 40 minutes. Neither of the parties has disclosed the details of their discussions.

    A sizeable portion of the Crimean Tatar Diaspora (more than 1000 people) live in Turkey. In …

  • Herbst: War in Ukraine is more important than Russian invasion of Syria


    The former U.S Ambassador to Ukraine, John Herbst, in his interview with the Voice of America, stated that U.S Secretary of State, John Kerry, is not the best candidate for negotiations with Russia regarding the cessation of the war in Ukraine. According to him, his soft diplomacy will not convince the Kremlin that it’s time to pull back.

    “The point is that during negotiations with the Kremlin, U.S Secretary John Kerry doesn't speak harshly in regards to Russian crimes, such as the Crimean …

  • Czech Rupublic Communist MP denied entry into Ukraine

    A Deputy of the Czech Parliament, who is a representative of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, Zdenek Ondrachek, was not allowed into Ukraine at the Borispol airport, as reported by the Czech news website Novinky.

    "I came for a conference on elections. I have been an election observer in Mariupol twice, but I was told that I've become a persona non grata and am not allowed to enter Ukraine," said Ondrachek.

     According to the Czech MP, the attitude of Ukrainian employees at the …

  • Trump: Putin's compliments are a great honor

    Donald Trump reciprocates the compliments by Vladimir Putin

     The leading presidential candidate from the Republican Party, Donald Trump, told ABC that for him it's a "great honor" to receive a compliment from Vladimir Putin.

     Trump made this statement on Thursday after the ABC broadcast of an interview with Putin in which the Russian president called the American businessman and showman a "colorful, talented" person that wishes to put U.S. - Russia relations on a more solid ground. "How can …

  • IMF recognizes status of Ukraine’s debt

    Ukraine’s debt to Russia is set to mature on December 20th.  Recently, however, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) lifted the ban on lending to countries with existing overdue sovereign debt, so Ukraine’s unpaid "debt of Yanukovych" will not prevent the IMF from further cooperation with Kiev.

    The Executive Committee of the IMF officially recognized the $3 billion Eurobond that Ukraine owes to Russia as sovereign debt, not commercial. Consequently, Ukraine will have to demonstrate that it is …

  • Pyaterikova: Plotnitsky responsible for Cossack commander's murder

    Anastasia Pyaterikova, leader of the Luhansk Guard and famous for her fiery speeches given at separatist demonstrations in eastern Ukraine, blamed Igor Plotnitsky, the leader of the so-called Luhansk Peoples Republic (LPR), for the death of Pavel Dremov. Killed by an apparent car bomb on the way to a celebration of his wedding, Dremov was the commander of the Sixth Separate Motorized Rifle Cossack Regiment of the People's Militia of the LPR.

    As the "Fourth Authority" news outlet reported, a …

  • No delay in the introduction of EU-Ukraine free trade zone

    Despite the opposition of Moscow, an agreement on a free trade zone between the EU and Ukraine will begin effective January 1st.  The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, ended the delays that were hindering the Free Trade Area (FTA) agreement between the European Union and Ukraine.  The EU President stated this during a press conference in Brussels on Wednesday, December 16th.

    “A comprehensive Free Trade Area between Ukraine and the EU will become enforced as of January 1 …

  • US withdraw 12 fighter jets from Turkey

    The U.S. deployed numerous military aircraft to Turkey a month ago.  The Pentagon said that the recall of 12 of these units does not indicate a change in the American commitment to Turkey or in the fight against ISIL.

    Washington announced the withdrawal of a dozen military aircraft from Turkey, in particular six F-15 Eagle Fighters and six F-15 Strike Eagle bombers.  The decision to recall these units was made public less than a month after they were deployed from a base in the UK to support …

  • Putin comments on Nemtsov investigation

    During his annual Q & A session with journalists, Russian President Vladimir Putin encouraged those who demand progress in the investigation of the assassination of Boris Nemtsov to be patient.

    "I knew him personally. He chose a path of political battle, and he was not alone...and I believe that is a crime that must be investigated thoroughly", Putin stated.

    Nemtsov, an outspoken critic of Putin, was gunned down in February of this year, just steps from the Kremlin. The former Minister had …

  • Russia deploys nuclear weapons in Crimea

    MP and leader of the Crimean Tatars, Mustafa Dzhemilev, spoke about the nuclear situation in Russian occupied Crimea.

    The People's Deputy said that the Kremlin has decided to position its nuclear power on the occupied peninsula and has restored the abandoned nuclear storage facility. 

    “It is known for certain that they have almost completely restored the nuclear repository in the natural boundary of Kyzyltash near Yalta, which was closed and emptied after the signing of the 1994 Budapest …