• Russia and Saudi Arabia Reach $10 Billion Arms Deal

    According to sources in the top management in defense enterprises, Russia is preparing to sell arms to Saudi Arabia; the demand is due to the current conflicts in the Middle East.

    Saudi Arabia has long relied on purchases of arms from NATO countries and the US.  Now it has expressed interest in Russian missile boats, patrol ships near the sea area, medium landing ships and patrol ships.  There are other serious developments as well, sources say.

    The Saudis are allegedly negotiating the …

  • Kadyrov calls for crackdown on Russian opposition

    Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov is calling for a crackdown on the “jackals” and “enemies of the people” who are opposed to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Kadyrov has made the news recently for his increasingly outrageous comments made towards the “non-systemic” Russian opposition, stating that they should be treated as enemies of the state. The head of Chechnya further elaborated his views on Tuesday in an article written for the pro-Kremlin newspaper Izvestia.

    Kadyrov’s diatribe was in …

  • Dutch Deputies Suspect Foul Play in Upcoming Association Agreement Referendum

    Dutch deputies from the Party of D-66 applied to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands with a request to clarify whether there are signs of Russian influence on the forthcoming referendum on the Association Agreement with Ukraine.

    Deputies Shourd Shurdsma and Case Verhoeven made the request because of an article in the British newspaper The Telegraph, which quoted sources reporting on the investigation of the United States concerning the influence of Russia on the European Parties. …

  • Russia Unlikely To Participate In PACE In 2016

    The Russian delegation will be unable to participate in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe this year. The President of PACE, Anne Brasseur, reported this in her statement, published on the organization’s website on January 19th.

    Brasseur confirmed that she received a letter from the Chairman of the Council of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the State Duma, which says that, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation will not file documents for a Russian delegation to …

  • Ukraine Urges World to Continue to Pressure Russia

    The press service of Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement on Monday to urge other nations to continue to pressure the Russian Federation on the Donbas situation.

    "We call upon our international partners not to yield to the deceptive maneuvers of the Russian aggressor, who constantly demonstrates a striking discrepancy between their rhetoric and real actions.  Political pressure on the Russian Federation and the use of diplomatic tools and sanctions are critical to return …

  • Ukraine May Raise Transit Price for Gazprom

    RIA Novosti reported that according to Ukrainian State Enterprise Energorynok, the tariff rate for transporting Russian gas through the territory of Ukraine may increase in 2016 from $2.73 to $4.07 per 1000 cubic meters per 100 kilometers. Taking into account a new method of calculating the transit cost approved by Kiev in the end of last year, it will cost Gazprom $7.91 per 1000 cubic meters.

    According to the publication, the new method of calculating transit price is closely associated with …

  • EU Presses Ukraine on Anti-Corruption and Judicial Reforms

    After a session of the EU Council, at a meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs on January 18th, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier stated that the European Union expressed concern about the insufficient progress of Ukraine in carrying out reforms. Steinmeier noted that it is important for Ukraine to reform the justice system and put anti-corruption measures in place. According to him, these are the key steps to solving the economic problems in the country.

    The High …

  • Ukraine-EU Visa-Free Regime may Appear before the Middle of March

    The European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, said that the Commission's proposal to abolish visas for Ukrainians may appear before the end of March, as reported by Radіo Svoboda.

    "The President and the Prime Minister still have some commitments to fulfill, but we expect that we will obtain those reports very soon, be able to evaluate them, and during the first quarter of this year we will propose visa liberalization," he said.

    During …

  • Court says Video Footage of Nadiya Savchenko's Arrest is Inadmissible Evidence

    The Donetsk City Court in the Rostov region rejected a petition from the lawyers of the Ukrainian servicewoman, Nadiya Savchenko, requesting the admission of a video of the defendant's arrest in the Luhansk region of Ukraine in the summer of 2014. The judge explained his decision indicating that the admission of the video "doesn't mean that the defense will acquire anything," according to Anton Naumlyuk a correspondent for Radio Svoboda.

    Earlier Savchenko’s lawyers presented evidence that the …

  • Gudkov: Kadyrov’s behavior fuels anti-Chechen sentiment throughout Russia

    According to Russian State Duma Deputy Dmitry Gudkov, the Kremlin's support for the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, could lead to a sharp drop in the government’s ratings. It would also send the message that to kill, intimidate or terrorize anyone and anywhere is allowed.

    There is no doubt that sooner or later the problem of Chechnya will show up on the national level, stated Gudkov on Facebook.  He said that there was evidence of Chechen involvement in the murders of journalist and human …