• Nemtsov memorial dismantled for third time this month

    The memorial site of slain Russian opposition leader, Boris Nemtsov, has been dismantled for the third time this month.  The latest incident occurred in the early hours of the 30th of January at the site’s location on the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge in the center of Moscow.  At approximately 3 a.m., police officers detained two activists who were standing in front of the memorial.  They were then taken to the police station.

    Later, the activists were released without completing a detention …

  • Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt: Independent media is critically important for Ukraine

    According to the US Ambassador in Kiev, Geoffrey Pyatt, the promotion of fair and independent journalism will help Ukraine win the hybrid information war with Russia. Speaking at a conference entitled “Countering Information War in Ukraine” at the Ukraine Crisis Media Center on Friday, Pyatt asserted that it would be a misstep for Ukraine to create the same type of propaganda machine that exists in Russia.

    “There is a phenomenon in psychology called mirroring, where you fall into the habit of …

  • Browder: The UK should punish Russia for Litvinenko’s murder

    William Browder, the British banker and founder of the Hermitage Capital investment fund, in an open letter to David Cameron, wrote that if Russian President Vladimir Putin isn’t made to answer for the murder of Alexander Litvinenko, political murders of Kremlin critics in the UK will continue.

    “Dear David Cameron! I’m writing on behalf of all British activists who fight for justice against dictators around the world,” wrote Browder in the letter published in The Guardian.

    “Your government’s …

  • Germany Specifies Conditions For Consent Of Nord Stream 2 Pipeline

    Vice-Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, said that Germany will not give its consent to the construction of the pipeline "Nord Stream-2" if the gas is not guaranteed to reach the countries of Eastern Europe, Reuters reported. Gabriel urged that Poland’s concerns regarding the construction of a gas pipeline be taken seriously.

    On January 18th, Polish President Andrzej Duda said at a joint briefing with the Chairman of the European Council, Donald Tusk, that Nord …

  • Kremlin Finds US's Words On Corruption In Russia 'Insulting'

    Statements of the representatives of US authorities on the corruption of Russian President Vladimir Putin have been found “insulting” by the Kremlin. Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov claimed that such remarks constitute interference with the presidential campaign to be held in 2018.

    Moscow accused Washington of interfering in an electoral campaign that has not yet even begun. Peskov said on Friday, January 29th that "insulting and indignant statements" made by the official representative of the …

  • Medvedev: Responsibility For Crimea Lies In All Political Forces In Russia

    Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stated at a meeting with the leaders of "United Russia" that the responsibility for the annexation of Crimea lies with all the political forces of the country, reported RIA Novosti.

    "I mean, of course, not only "United Russia". I emphasize that virtually all political force smust make a common decision to support our people who expressed their wish to live in Russia and have returned to Russia,” he said. According to Medvedev, in the current situation it …

  • Kadyrov: The US has started a war against Russia

    The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that the words of US authorities regarding the alleged corruption of Russian President Vladimir Putin suggests the beginning of a war against Russia.

    The statement made by US officials about this alleged corruption suggests that they are against Russia and have “launched a real war”. This was posted by Kadyrov on his Instagram page.

    Kadyrov referred to the steps taken by the White House as “unfriendly”.  “The scenario seems to be out of a Hollywood …

  • Poroshenko Expects Visa Free Regime with EU in Second Half of 2016

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, expects that Ukraine will begin a visa-free agreement with the EU in the second half of 2016.

    "On February 2nd, I will go to the Parliament to complete the adoption of the remaining five laws.  We hope that Ukrainians will be able to go to Europe with only a Ukrainian passport-without a visa, without waiting-by the middle of the year," the President said in Vladimirtste.

    The President stressed that nobody, including the people's deputies of Ukraine, …

  • Lithuanian faction: St. George Ribbon a symbol of 'Russian aggression and imperialist ambitions'

    Lithuania has proposed that the St. George’s ribbon be listed as a symbol of totalitarianism.  They have also recommended that a fine be implemented for its use and demonstration.

    This initiative was proposed today by the deputies of the Seimas from the faction of the Union of the Fatherland.  Lithuanian Christian Democrats have also decided to amend the Administrative Code of Lithuania with this initiative.

    These amendments to the Administrative Code were registered in Lithuania.  It …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Concerned with Human Rights Situation in Crimea

    Ukraine is deeply concerned about human rights violations by Russia in the Crimea, as well as in some areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, as reported in a statement by the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs.

    The reports from international organizations and human rights institutions unanimously record massive harassment by the Russian occupation forces of ethnic Ukrainians and the indigenous Crimean Tatar population of the Crimea for political and national motives; including …