Ukrainian Forces move positions in Chasiv Yar to strengthen defense amid intense Russian assaults

According to Ivan Petrychak, spokesperson for the 24th Mechanized Brigade, Ukrainian Forces were compelled to withdraw to new positions to save the lives of their personnel. Subsequently, the situation not only did not worsen but improved.

Russian forces continue their offensive efforts in Donbas, with the town of Chasiv Yar being one of their targets. Ukrainian forces recently had to retreat from one district. In an interview with Hromadske Radio", Ivan Petrychak, a spokesperson from the 24th Separate Mechanized Brigade, explained how this has impacted the course of the conflict.

The spokesperson stated that after withdrawing from the "Kanal" district, Ukrainian units took up more advantageous positions to better preserve their personnel. This decision was made by higher command and aims to significantly improve logistics for the Defence Forces.

"The 'Kanal' area is separated from the city by the Seversky Donets-Donbas canal, which serves as an irrigation system. This deep trench hampers the easy passage of equipment and vehicles. Our logistics have improved because we no longer need to enter that area to evacuate the wounded. The defence of Chasiv Yar has not suffered negatively; on the contrary, the situation has improved," Ivan Petrychak stated.

Additionally, the representative mentioned that this terrain constitutes a serious obstacle for the Russian troops, as it forms a defensive line that also serves as a contact line where Ukrainian defenders engage in ongoing skirmishes.

An ageing population remains in Chasiv Yar, making evacuation challenging. The city's control is critical as it provides a route to Konstantinivka, and subsequently, Druzhkivka and Kramatorsk. The Ukrainian Forces' goal is to thwart the Russian plans and hold this high ground, despite the difficulties involved," Petrychak concluded.

Following the complete destruction of the "Kanal" district and the withdrawal of Defence Forces from the area, the frontline has shifted to the Seversky Donets-Donbas canal, an artificial concrete barrier that helps in conducting defence operations from more favourable positions.

  War in Ukraine, Chasiv Yar, Donbas
