Serbian Deputy PM Vulin to attend BRICS summit in Russia as Vucic remains noncommittal

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin will attend the BRICS summit in Kazan, according to a report by RIA Novosti. Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin extended an invitation to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic for the summit. On September 5, when asked by journalists whether he plans to visit Russia for the event from October 22-24, Vucic indicated he has numerous meetings with international leaders scheduled months in advance. This was widely interpreted as a veiled refusal. However, Vucic later clarified that he neither accepted nor declined the invitation, suggesting instead that it remains a "we'll see" situation.

Vulin highlighted that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the pressure this places on Belgrade could push Serbia towards joining BRICS, describing it as a "real alternative to the EU." Known for his pro-Russian stances, Vulin is currently under U.S. sanctions and previously led the BIA, Serbia's equivalent of the FSB. According to rumors, he was removed from this role due to U.S. dissatisfaction.

Balkan political analyst Aleksandar Djokic told the news outlet The Insider that Vucic’s absence from the BRICS summit, despite being personally invited by Putin, sends a significant message. Djokic added that the Western and Serbian public are aware of this situation, interpreting it as a potent signal. Vulin has been designated as an unofficial envoy to Russia in the current Serbian government, ostensibly representing the pro-Russian faction. However, Djokic noted that in reality, there are no such factions, as Vucic is in control and currently leans more towards the West. Yet, Vucic keeps avenues with Russia open, a fact Putin reluctantly accepts due to a lack of alternatives in Serbia.

  Serbia, Vucic, Putin, BRICS
