Russian submarine approaches Latvian border

A Russian submarine came close to Latvia’s borders on September 11, the Latvian National Armed Forces posted on Twitter.

According to the tweet, the Russian Navy’s Dmitrov submarine (NATO classification: “Kilo”) was spotted three nautical miles outside of Latvia’s territorial waters.

At the start of May, the Russian Navy’s SB-121 and Kashtan ships were spotted 12 nautical miles from Latvia’s territorial waters. A large project 775 landing ship (NATO classification: Ropucha) was also seen six and a half nautical miles from the country’s maritime border.

That same month, the Latvian military reported that its maritime borders had been approached by Russian tugboats Goryn and Anatoly Ptitsyn and the project 956 Bespokoyny destroyer (NATO classification: Sovremenny class destroyer).

  Russia, Latvia, NATO
