• Russia has taken necessary steps to ensure that mistral carrier payments to France weren't expropriated as part of Yukos case

    The Russian Federation has taken necessary steps to make sure that payments "weren't seized as part of the Yukos case expropriation," a source in the military and diplomatic circles said. Paris met Moscow halfway on this matter.

    Funds amounting to one billion Euros, paid by the Russians in advance for the construction of two Mistral helicopter carriers, were returned to Moscow shortly after the cancellation of the contract as reported on Monday, February 22nd, by the Rambler News Service (RNS), …

  • Relatives of victims of MH17 file lawsuit against Igor Strelkov

    In the State of Illinois, relatives of victims who were killed in the crash of Malaysian flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine in 2014 filed a class action lawsuit against Russian citizen, Igor Strelkov (also known as Igor Girkin). Golos Ameriki reported that Strelkov is accused of involvement in the downing of the passenger aircraft.

    It was also noted that Strelkov is being charged under three Articles of US law: murder, destruction of a passenger aircraft and aiding and abetting the commission of a …

  • Trucking between Russia and Ukraine Resumes

    The Russian Ministry of Transport reported on the 24th of February that Russia and Ukraine have agreed on the resumption of transit as of the 25th of February. “All restrictions were indefinitely lifted,” the representative of the Russian Ministry of Transport, Nikolay Asaul, stated in his interview with Interfax. The Ukrainian Minister of Infrastructure, Andriy Pyvovarsky, also reported about the resumption of transit between the two countries at a Cabinet meeting.

    According to Pyvovarsky, …

  • Transparency International: there has been no progress in investigation of elite corruption since Yanukovich escaped to Russia

    The head of Transparency International in Ukraine, Andrey Marusov, stated that there has been no progress in the investigation of elite corruption since the former President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich, escaped to Russia, as reported by the agency’s press service.

    “Since Yanukovich escaped to Russia, almost nothing has been done in Ukraine to investigate the numerous, serious accusations of elite corruption in relation to the former President of Ukraine and his followers. On the other hand, …

  • Russia issues appeal to Ukraine to bilaterally lift restrictions on transit

    The head of the Association of International Road Carriers of Ukraine (AIRCU), Leonid Kostyuchenko, commenting on the statement of the Ministry of Transport, reported to UNIAN that Ukraine has received an official appeal from the Russian Federation concerning the bilateral lifting of restrictions on transit through both countries.

    “We hope that Ukraine and Russia will reach an agreement on the bilateral lifting of restrictions on transit tomorrow. Russia has already sent a letter offering to …