• Estonia jails three for spying for Russia

    The Tartu District Court in Estonia has convicted three people for crimes against the state.  The Public Prosecutor’s office reported that all three convicts “illegally cooperated with Russian intelligence services”.

    According to Interfax, two sentences were passed in October 2015 and the third one was passed last week.

    In February, Maxim Gruzdev, a 32-year-old Estonian citizen, was sentenced to four years in prison.  He was recruited in the second half of 2013 in the Pskov region.  Before he …

  • Ukrainian Intelligence suggests pro-Russian separatists are resigning at a high rate

    According to intelligence reports, on the 19th of February, nine servicemen of the Gorlovka 3rd separate motorized rifle brigade submitted resignation requests, stating that they would "return to Russia". The Defense Intelligence asserted that with regard to mass resignations, the staffing of personnel in the brigade subdivisions must not exceed 50%.  In addition, in the Novoazovsk 9th separate motorized rifle regiment reported that resignation requests were issued by almost all junior …

  • Estonian President: Russia-NATO Agreement from 1997 is 'Obsolete'

    Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves believes that under the current conditions, the Russia- NATO Founding Act from 1997 is obsolete, as he stated in the interview with Eesti Päevaleht. According to him, the agreement provided for a permanent but limited presence of NATO forces in the newly formed states of the former Soviet Union, but it did not envision the current security situation. “It includes language that under the current and expected security situation the permanent forces will not …

  • Ukraine intends to restore TV and radio broadcasts to Crimea

    The National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine has established a working group to restore broadcasting in the south of the Kherson region and to Crimea.  This was reported by the Press Service of the Ministry.

    The group was created "for the purpose of protecting the informational space and the informational sovereignty in the south of the country".  The group is headed by Crimean citizen and Member of the National Council of Television and Radio broadcasting of Ukraine, …

  • French and German Foreign Ministers visit Kiev

    On the 22nd of February, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Germany and France, Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Jean-Marc Ayrault, who arrived in Berlin on the same day, flew from the German capital for a two-day visit to Kiev. 

    They flew on board a German governmental plane immediately after a brief meeting and press conference in the departure lounge of the government terminal at the Tegel airport. The negotiating agenda was more than full.

    Firstly, the Special Representative of the OSCE in …