• State Duma proposes law to fine messenger services that refuse to provide decryption information to the FSB

    The State Duma suggested penalizing developers of instant messengers who refuse to surrender keys to the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) that would allow them to decode messages. The corresponding amendment was added to the anti-terrorism package of laws developed by the Head of the Parliamentary Committee for Security and Anti-Corruption, Irina Yarovaya and Senator Viktor Ozerov, TASS reports.

    MPs want to oblige the creators of IM clients to provide the competent authorities with the …

  • US Army in Europe Commander: NATO will be unable to defend Baltics if Russia attacks

    The Commander of the United States Army Europe, Lieutenant General Frederick Benjamin Hodges, believes that NATO will not be able to protect the Baltic States if Russia attacks them.

    “Russia could invade the Baltic States faster than we could come there to defend them," the Lieutenant General said in an interview with the German weekly Die Zeit, published on June 22.

    Hodges said that he agrees with the estimate of military analysts that the Russian troops could capture the capital cities of …

  • Russia conducts test of missile defense system

    As reported by the Russian Defense Ministry, the Russian Air Force has successfully carried out tests of a new short-range, anti-ballistic missile system. The launch took place on Tuesday in the morning at the Sary-Shagan missile testing site in Kazakhstan.

    The purpose of the launch was to confirm the performance characteristics of the anti-missile system which is in service in the Russian Air Force.

    As was stated by Aerospace Force Air Defense Chief Viktor Gumyonny, who was present during …

  • US General: Russia can deploy its troops much faster than NATO

    In an interview with the BBC, General Ben Hodges, the commander of U.S. land forces in Europe claimed that NATO has to simplify the mechanism of relocating the military units between the countries, to be able to respond quickly to potential threats from the Russian Federation.

    "Twenty thousand armed people may appear on the borders of NATO, or at the borders of Georgia, or Ukraine. This is a serious concern. The Russians have what we call freedom of movement on the interior lines. They can …

  • Putin: Russia must strengthen its defenses in response to 'NATO aggression'

    Speaking in front of the State Duma, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia must increase its combat readiness in response to “the aggressive actions of NATO along the Russian borders”, Evropeyskaya Pravda reported.

    Putin criticized the West for its unwillingness to build a “modern, non-aligned system of collective security” with Russia.

    "Russia is open to discussing this important issue and has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to engage in dialogue, but, as happened on the …