Russia summons Italian ambassador over alleged illegal entry by RAI journalists and controversial report from Kursk region

In a dramatic diplomatic move, Moscow has summoned Italian Ambassador Cecilia Piccioni to lodge a "resolute protest" concerning the actions of a RAI media crew, the Italian state broadcaster.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Italian journalists allegedly entered Russian territory via a breached Ukrainian border under the protection of a Ukrainian escort group. Once in the Kursk region, they filmed a short report, which predictably took a stance far from pro-Russian, and aired it on their channel.

Given that RAI is state-operated, Russian authorities perceive these actions as directly linked to the Italian government. A firm protest was issued to Ambassador Piccioni , condemning the actions of the crew who "illegally entered the territory of the Russian Federation to cover the criminal terrorist attack by Ukrainian militants on the Kursk region."

"By flagrantly violating Russian law and basic journalistic ethics, the Italian correspondents utilized their presence in our country to whitewash the crimes of the Kyiv regime. The actions of the Italian citizens fall under the Russian Federation's Criminal Code. Necessary steps are being taken by Russian competent authorities to establish the circumstances of the crime committed by the RAI staff for their legal assessment and appropriate measures," the Russian Foreign Ministry declared.

  War in Ukraine, RAI, Italy, Kursk
