Contents tagged with RAI

  • Russia summons U.S. diplomat over American journalists' coverage in Kursk region

    Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs called in Stephanie Holmes, the Chargé d'Affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Russia, to express a formal protest regarding the activities of American journalists in the Kursk region, where heavy fighting with Ukrainian forces has been ongoing since August 6th. The Ministry described the journalists’ actions as provocative and purely propagandistic.

    The Russian government made it explicitly clear that all foreign "specialists" and mercenaries illegally crossing …

  • Outrage in Russia: Western journalists swarm troubled Kursk region amid Ukrainian offensive

    A CNN news team recently visited Russia's border with Ukraine, filming a report at the Sudzha checkpoint. This checkpoint was the starting point for the Ukrainian offensive into the Kursk Region on August 6. The footage shows Ukrainian and Western made vehicles freely crossing the checkpoint in both directions. Nick Paton Walsh, CNN's international security correspondent, called the scene "remarkable" and noted that the Russian border "looks completely unprotected." Walsh also spoke to a …

  • Russia summons Italian ambassador over alleged illegal entry by RAI journalists and controversial report from Kursk region

    In a dramatic diplomatic move, Moscow has summoned Italian Ambassador Cecilia Piccioni to lodge a "resolute protest" concerning the actions of a RAI media crew, the Italian state broadcaster.

    According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Italian journalists allegedly entered Russian territory via a breached Ukrainian border under the protection of a Ukrainian escort group. Once in the Kursk region, they filmed a short report, which predictably took a stance far from pro-Russian, and aired it …