Putin: Russia has created new nuclear forces control centre

A new, almost invulnerable control center for strategic nuclear forces has been almost completed, said Russian President Vladimir Putin during the government meeting.

"As I was informed, the final stage of the new command center for the strategic nuclear forces, with almost absolute protection, is almost complete," Putin said.

Putin noted that a lot has been done in recent years to ensure that all elements of strategic nuclear weapons control are maintained at the highest level, and now all these control points allow real-time reporting, assessment of the situation, and decision making.

On November 10, Putin said at a meeting with the leadership of the Defense Ministry, federal agencies and defense industry that Russia will continue to modernize its nuclear forces in view of "modern geopolitical risks," noting that the country "has gone far ahead of other leading military powers of the world." According to him, for the first time in history, Russia is "not just catching-up", but thanks to new weapons, Russia is decades ahead of foreign counterparts, and some of Russian weapons "simply have no analogues in the world."

Putin also stated that blackmail and pressure on Russia make no sense as the country has a full range of means of delivery of nuclear weapons.

  Putin, Russia, nuclear forces
