Putin eases residency permits for those embracing 'traditional Russian values'

In a move that could potentially reshape immigration policy, Russian president Vladimir Putin has signed a decree allowing individuals who share "traditional Russian spiritual and moral values" to obtain temporary residency permits more easily.

The decree specifies that these individuals, whether foreigners or stateless persons, can apply for temporary residency without needing to demonstrate proficiency in the Russian language or knowledge of Russian history and law.

The motivating factor for relocating to Russia must be "rejection of policies implemented by their states, which impose destructive neoliberal ideological frameworks that conflict with traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, as defined by the Fundamentals of State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values."

The list of countries deemed to be imposing such policies will be determined by the Russian government. Most parts of the decree will take effect on September 1.

In late July, the State Duma passed a law that provides material support for volunteers promoting "traditional values." This could include reimbursement for various expenses necessary for their volunteer activities.

  Putin, State Duma
