Polish Defense Minister demands Ukraine address Volhynia tragedy for EU membership consideration

Polish Defense Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz has made headlines by asserting that Warsaw should issue an ultimatum to Ukraine: EU membership will only be on the table once the Volhynia tragedy of 1943 is resolved.

Speaking on Polish TV, the Polish official emphasized that Poland supports Ukraine "as much as possible" amidst the ongoing large-scale military aggression from Russia. However, he noted that relations between Warsaw and Kyiv are strained due to unresolved historical issues.

In his view, Poland's authorities should leverage Ukraine’s European integration as a bargaining chip, adding, "Ukraine's entry into the European Union will not happen unless the Volhynia issue is resolved".

Discussing the current situation on the front lines in Ukraine, Kosiniak-Kamysz highlighted that for Poland, "the end of the war only means Ukraine's victory." He warned that any other outcome would still pose a direct threat of war to Poland.

The Polish Defense Minister expressed satisfaction with the continued delivery of defense equipment to Ukraine but cautioned that the destruction of critical infrastructure could hinder supplies ahead of autumn and winter.

In May, the spokesperson for Poland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Łukasz Jasina, was put on indefinite leave after demanding an apology from Ukraine and President Volodymyr Zelensky for the Volhynia tragedy.

  Poland, Ukraine, Volhynia
