Hezbollah partially withdraws from Syria

In an interview on an Al-Manar TV channel, the leader of the Hezbollah terrorist organization Hassan Nasrallah said that Hezbollah reduced its presence in Syria.

"Our troops are still in all the locations in Syria where they were before. But we have reduced the forces to the number that is necessary now," he said, and added that "despite the tough sanctions, they will return if it is be needed."

He also warned Israel and the Gulf countries that the war with the US and Iran would lead to a catastrophe for the entire Middle East region. 

"Every country which becomes a partner in the war against Iran or the territory of which is offered to be used for attacks against Iran will pay the price," the head of the terrorists warned. At the same time, he noted that serious deterrence would not allow the Israelis to resort to war.

"The most important area for Israel is the coastal strip from Netanya to Ashdod, where most of the settlers and the main centers of the country are located. We can resist our enemy with tens of thousands of missiles capable of attacking this area. Will the enemy be able to oppose it? In this scenario, that area will return to the stone age. Huge destruction is the least that will happen to them," he said.

In the same interview, Nasrallah reported that the administration of US President Donald Trump tries to establish communication with Hezbollah through mediators in Lebanon.

  Syria, Hezbollah, Trump, USA, Israel
