Germany donates a quarter of its Patriot systems to strengthen Ukraine's air defence

Germany has launched an initiative to strengthen Ukraine's air defence, which has seen some success but still has room for improvement. According to Ukrinform , German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius made the announcement ahead of a meeting of NATO defence ministers.

"We will deliver a third Patriot system to Ukraine. Thus, Germany is providing Ukraine with a total of three systems... This represents a quarter of our own stocks, so we can't provide any more," said the minister.

He expressed hope that other allied countries equipped with these systems might share theirs as well.

"The responsibility now lies with other partners to provide the systems," Pistorius stated. He also mentioned that Germany is providing training for operating the Patriot systems and delivering long-range missiles for them. Recently, Germany transferred 32 such missiles, with an additional 68 missiles acquired through joint efforts by Germany, Denmark, Norway, and the Netherlands to be delivered shortly.

The German Defence Minister noted that discussions are ongoing with American manufacturers to explore the possibility of increasing Patriot production, but the process will take time.

It is worth noting that Poland has no plans to donate its Patriot missile systems to Ukraine, as Warsaw needs them for its own defence. This was confirmed by the head of Poland's National Security Bureau, Jacek Siewiera.

On June 12, it was reported that the United States would send another Patriot system to Ukraine. According to the New York Times, the air defence system is to be delivered from Poland.

  War in Ukraine, Germany, Patriot
