Escalating battles in Chasiv Yar: Russian forces employ scorched earth strategy, Ukrainians shift to new positions

Russian Armed Forces are employing a scorched earth tactic in Chasiv Yar, Donetsk region. Detailing this strategy, major Dmytro Kozhubenko from the planning section of the "Rubizh" brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine (NGU) spoke on air with Espresso TV.

Kozhubenko noted that fierce battles are currently taking place around the town. The Russians have obliterated all defensive positions and anything that could have aided Ukrainian forces to retain defensibility around the "Kanal" area. Consequently, Ukrainian forces have been compelled to shift to more favourable positions.

Kozhubenko opined that this could be beneficial for the Ukrinian Forces, as losing soldiers while holding onto ruins is strategically misguided; every life is invaluable.

Moreover, the Russian scorched earth tactics have proven effective. The Russianas persist in methodically destroying Chasiv Yar using FABs, KABs, artillery, unmanned aerial vehicles including FPV drones, and Mavic drones with payload drops. Kozhubenko mentioned that Electronic Warfare (EW) systems are not always sufficient to protect units from drones.

"The enemy is rapidly advancing in this direction. They (the Russians) are modifying their drones, and unfortunately, our EW systems do not always keep up," Dmytro Kozhubenko emphasised.

He also disclosed that Russians employ the "meat attack" tactic, which involves deploying large numbers of troops to accomplish their objectives. The officer added that the Russian Armed Forces do not consider their losses and adhere primarily to outdated methods.

On 4 July, Ivan Petrychak, head of the press service of the 24th Mechanized Brigade named after King Danylo, announced that Ukrainian units had vacated positions in the "Kanal" area in Chasiv Yar, Donbas. He stated that the defence of the town itself continues.

On 5 July, Alexander Kovalenko, a military-political observer of the "Information Resistance" group, noted that the Russians do not fully control the "Kanal" neighbourhood in Chasiv Yar. He remarked that they effectively control its eastern part up to Obraztsovaya Street, including the intersection with Koshevoy Street.

  War in Ukraine, Donbas, Chasiv Yar
