Crimean authorities: Government owes millions in wages to the residents of the peninsula

As of December 1st, according to the Krymstat (the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Crimea) the wage arrears in 12 Crimean enterprises amounted to 26.7 million rubles ($451,880 USD) for 524 employees, as announced by the Vice Prime Minister of the Russian government of the Crimea, Alla Pashkunova, at the final meeting of the Committee on the Repayment of Arrears in   Wages.

"Compared to November 1st, arrears decreased by more than 41% - by 18.8 million rubles ($326,744 USD), the number of employees who have not been paid wages in time has decreased by 307 people and the number of debtors has decreased by 2. The decrease in debt is due to the full repayment by three enterprises. In December, the debt at two enterprises was fully repaid for a total of 3.3 million rubles ($57,354 USD),” Pashkunova informed.

According to her, in 2017, 38 enterprises in the peninsula repaid debts for a total of 124.4 million rubles ($2.16 million USD).

According to Pashkunova, beginning in January next year, information on the debt repayment status on the peninsula will be sent monthly to the Russian government in Moscow.     

According to a report by Russia's state statistics service in Crimea says that the amount of wage arrears in the annexed Crimea as of September 1st of this year was more than 86.7 million rubles ($1.5 million USD).

  Crimea, Russia, Ukraine
