Contents tagged with War in Ukraine

  • Russia sends another 'humanitarian convoy' to Donbas

    According to the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, on October 25, Russia once again sent two convoys into the territory of Donbas under the guise of the so-called "humanitarian cargo".

    "On October 25, Russia illegally sent two convoys of cars which crossed closed Izvaryne and Uspenka border checkpoints into the territory of Ukraine under the pretext of delivering the so-called" humanitarian aid "to the residents of the Russian occupied Donetsk and Luhansk regions ", …

  • President of Belarus offers Ukraine assistance in ending Donbas war

    Speaking at the Forum of the Regions of Ukraine and Belarus in Gomel, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has expressed willingness to help Ukraine in resolving the conflict in the Donbas.

    "We are ready to engage in this conflict where it is complicated and where there is no trust that is supposed to be. We are ready to do this for the sake of one thing - for the sake of peace. We, the three Slavic nations have to solve this problem. This is our trouble and problem. It's not Europeans, …

  • 10 schools in Donbas suspend work due to proximity to combat zone

    10 institutions of general secondary education in the Donetsk region suspended work due to proximity to military operations, announced Oleksandr Kuts, the head of the Ukrainian military-civilian regional administration in the Donetsk region.

    He said that on the first day of school, four fully renovated central schools will be opened in Vuhledar, Dobropillia, Kostiantynivka, and Mariupol. At the moment, 12 more educational institutions are being rebuilt.

    "A total of 522 institutions of general …

  • Putin’s invitation to foreign minister’s wedding draws criticism in Austria

    Austria has criticized the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin was invited to the wedding of Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl. The Russian president’s visit “damages” Austria, Austrian political scientist Gerhard Mangott told the German Press Agency in an interview.

    Mangott believes that the upcoming visit will cause people to suspect that Austria is “Russia’s Trojan horse in the EU”. The political scientist also says that Putin is being given an opportunity to demonstrate that …

  • Lithuania to allocate 1 million euro for the restoration of the Donbas

    The Government of Lithuania is planning to allocate about one million euro from the 2019 budget to support Ukraine, particularly settlements in the Donbas which were affected by Russian aggression, stated the Head of the Donetsk Regional State Civil and Military Administration, Oleksandr Kuts after meeting with the Ambassador of Lithuania in Ukraine, Marius Janukonis.

    "The Lithuanian Government plans to allocate about one million euro from the budget to support Ukraine. A principle decision in …

  • Ukraine detains Russian national who photographed positions of Ukrainian troops in Donbas

    The Ukrainian Joint Forces Operation’s (JFO) press service reports that Ukrainian military detained a citizen of the Russian Federation in the Donbas conflict zone who was filming on his phone the Armed Forces of Ukraine’s positions.

    One of the mechanized brigade units arrested the Russian citizen on August 11. The JFO’s command declined to identify which Ukrainian positions were filmed. The detainee claimed that he arrived as a tourist from Surgut to Ukraine, but his papers indicated that he …

  • Putin’s ‘Night wolves’ establish a military camp in Slovakia

    On the eve of the anniversary of the Warsaw Pact troops’ incursion into the territory of then Czechoslovakia, a group of the Kremlin’s propagandists from the biker club Night Wolves established a military camp near the capital of Slovakia, reported Radio Svoboda.

    Their camp is located sixty kilometers away from Bratislava in the Dolná Krupá village, not far from the border crossings of Slovakia, Austria and the Czech Republic. The camp is a big area enclosed with high fences with several …

  • Right Sector refuses to leave the war zone in the Donbas

    Right Sector, a far-right Ukrainian nationalist movement will not leave the anti-terrorist operation zone (ATO) despite the requirement of Lieutenant General Serhiy Nayev, stated the Commander of the Right Sector Ukrainian Volunteer Corps, Andriy Stempytsky.

    “Volunteers will leave the ATO zone only when the territories annexed by the Russian Federation, including the Crimea, are regained,” he said. The squadron commander of the Right Sector Volunteer Corps, Dmytro Kotsyubaylo stated that …

  • Media: more than 50 Moldovan mercenaries fighting in Donbas for LPR and the DPR

    More than 50 Moldovan mercenaries are fighting in the east of Ukraine for Russian for the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) and Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), reported the Moldovan publication Ziarul de Garda with a reference to data from the Security and Intelligence Service of Moldova (SIS). However, according to unofficial data, the number of Moldovan mercenaries in Donbass is close to 100 people.

    As journalists note, mercenary activity in Moldova has intensified with the …

  • US Special Representative Volker: Ukraine has right to open fire to defend its territory

     In in an interview with the German newspaper Bild, when asked about the OSCE SMM reports, according to which both the illegal armed groups and the Ukrainian army have been firing in the Donbas, US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker said that Ukraine has the right to open fire in its own territory.

    “Of course the Ukrainians are shooting too, but you should bear in mind that all of this is taking place in Ukraine’s territory. It is completely normal for countries to keep soldiers in …