Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russian warship returning from Syria collides with cargo ship in Aegean Sea

    On December 30, the Yamal, a large Russian landing ship, collided with a dry cargo vessel from Sierra Leone in the Aegean Sea, Interfax reports, quoting the Russian Defense Ministry.

    The Yamal was sailing from the Mediterranean Sea to occupied Sevastopol, and the Orka-2 cargo ship was headed to Turkey from Egypt. No one was hurt, and the Russian ship received only minor damage.

    Photos taken of the Russian Navy ship after it arrived at port were posted on the social site VKontakte. The Yamal …

  • Ex-defense Minister of Poland: restoration of Ukraine’s sovereignty is a priority

    The former Polish Defense Minister stressed that Moscow does not have any special rights in Europe or anywhere else in the world. Macierewicz assured that Poland will never accept Russia’s attempts to redraw the borders of Ukraine.  “Ukraine is an important, independent state whose interests should be respected as well as the interests of any other country.  And the restoration of its territorial integrity remains a priority for Poland,” the former Polish Defense Minister, Antoni Macierewicz …

  • Russian media: Russia will deploy S-400 anti-air missile systems to Crimea 'for protection from Ukraine'

    The Russian Federation will deploy the S-400 system in annexed Crimea to “protect against air threats from Ukraine," RIA Novosti reported.

    Its sources said that the task of the second division of the S-400 system is to locate air-based targets from Ukraine that represent a threat to the Crimea and to destroy them if necessary.

    It was reported that the second division of the S-400 surface-to-air missile system stationed in Sevastopol will primarily control the airspace over Chonhar and …

  • US strategic drone conducts reconnaissance flight off Russian Black Sea coast

    An American RQ-4 Global Hawk reconnaissance drone flew close to the Russian border over the Black Sea. The drone’s flight route was published by the CivMilAir aircraft tracking application, Interfax reports.

    According to the application, the drone flew over the conflict area in the Donbas, looped over Crimea at a latitude of approximately 16 km, and then flew in the direction of Sochi.

    Another American RC-135W reconnaissance UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) flew close to Kaliningrad oblast in …

  • Ukraine: talks on peacekeepers in Donbas failed

    The UN Security Council was ready to begin deployment of UN peacekeepers in Donbas, but Russia rejected virtually all important provisions, as stated by Volodymyr Yelchenko, the permanent representative of Ukraine in the United Nations, in an interview with Yevropeyskaya Pravda.

    “The Security Council was ready to begin work on the mandate of the peacekeeping operation, but Russia rejected virtually all important provisions and returned to its idea of a strange operation where UN peacekeepers …

  • Head of Memorial organization in Chechnya accused of possessing narcotics

    Oyub Titiev, head of the Memorial, a regional advocacy organization in Chechnya, has been charged according to article 228 of the Russian Criminal Code (illegal storing, acquisition and preparation of narcotics), Titiev’s lawyer told Novaya Gazeta.

    Yekaterina Sokiryanskaya, director of the Analysis and Conflict Prevention Center, claims that the narcotics were planted on Titiev.

    The press service of the regional Interior Ministry office in Chechnya told Interfax that “a polymer package with a …

  • Russia claims that American reconnaissance aircraft flew over Khmeimim airbase in Syria during drone attack

    The Russian Defense Ministry stated an American reconnaissance aircraft in the area of Khmeimim at the time of the attack on the Russian bases in Syria, reports RIA Novosti.

    It was reported that a Poseidon aircraft was patrolling over the Mediterranean Sea between Tartus and Khmeimim at an altitude of seven thousand meters for over four hours. The Russian Defense Ministry called this “a strange coincidence.”

    Concerning the easy access to the purchase of UAVs, the Ministry stated that “it is …

  • Kravchuk: Khrushchev forced Ukraine to take Crimea

    In an interview with Radio Liberty, first Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk claimed that First General-Secretary of the CPSU (Communist Part of the USSR) Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev literally forced Ukraine to take the Crimea in 1954.  According to Kravchuk, the residents of the peninsula met Khrushchev in tears prior to the adoption of this decision.

    "’Nikita Sergeyevich, we cannot live here, we do not know how to work here, it's not ours, take us away from here.’ Khrushchev, …

  • Human rights advocates: 10,000 Crimeans were illegally conscripted into Russian Army

    About 10,000 Crimeans were called for military service in the Russian army over the past three years, as evidenced by the data published in a report by a Crimean human rights group.

    “The number of Crimeans called up for service in the Russian army significantly increased in 2017.  In 2016, about 3,100 people and a little less than 5,000 recruits from the Crimea were sent to the Russian military in 2017. The total number of recruits called up by the Armed Forces of Russia is about 10,000 …

  • Kravchuk suggests that Russia and Ukraine hold direct talks

    The former first president of Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk said in an interview with Radio Liberty that in order to stop the war that Russia is waging against Ukraine, a direct agreement is needed between the leaders of both states.

    "It is necessary, first of all, no matter how difficult it is, to achieve a meeting at the level of the Russian and Ukrainian authorities, one on one. What is happening in the Donbas is the hand of the Kremlin, and until we agree with Russia... [about what] we can do, …