Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia deploys another S-400 surface-to-air missile system in Crimea

    A second division of the Russian S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile system has been deployed near Sevastopol, in the annexed Crimea. The news agency Interfax reports that on Saturday, January 13, the command of the Fourth Air and Air Defense Forces Army provided information on the deployment of another division of the newest Russian surface-to air missile (SAM) systems in the Crimea.

    The system will control the airspace over Chonhar and Armyansk on the border with mainland Ukraine. The …

  • 1,500 foreigners refused entry into Ukraine in past year due to visits to annexed Crimea

    The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGS) reported on January 13 that nearly 1,500 decisions were passed to deny entry to foreigners, among them more than 100 artists and cultural figures, over visits to the annexed Crimean territory.

    According to the Service, approximately 2,300 administrative protocols were compiled under art.204-2 COA for violation of the order on entry and exit from Ukraine’s temporarily occupied territories in 2017.Thirty individuals have violated the rules for …

  • Russian social network Vkontakte recognized as pirate site in the US

    Vkontakte have been added to a list of the world's largest Internet resources that distribute pirated content. The social network has been added to the list, which is kept by the office of the US Trade Representative (USTR), Voice of America reported.

    The USTR noted that the social network "is taking steps to combat piracy” and trying to protect copyrights. However, this has turned out to not be enough.

    "Despite these positive changes, Vkontakte continues to conduct illegal activities, …

  • Russia to add another warship and S-400 air defense missile system to Baltic Sea Fleet

    In 2018, the Baltic Fleet will receive another anti-aircraft missile complex S-400 Triumph, as well as a new missile ship, modern jets and helicopters, Vice Admiral Alexander Nosatov, the Commander of the Baltic Fleet, told journalists on Friday.

    "In 2018, we will continue to upgrade the infrastructure facilities of the fleet. The Fleet's Missile unit will receive a small missile ship of new design, while the Air Defense unit will be equipped with one more S-400 air defense system. The Fleet's …

  • Russian politician claims to have obtained a list of Russians who will be included on new US sanctions list

    Russian politician Oleg Mitvol claims that he has a list of high-ranking Russian officials and businessmen close to the top leadership of Russia who may be subject to US sanctions, reported Dozhd TV.

    Mitvol claims that the list was provided by his source in diplomatic circles. He added that he is worried about the situation since he is a client of Sberbank, which was included in the list. Now, the bank could lose access to card services or the ability to borrow or transfer money, Mitvol’s …

  • Lithuania bans 49 Russians from entering the country under Magnitsky Act

    The Lithuanian Minister of the Interior, Eimutis Misiūnas, has banned 49 Russian citizens from entering the country under the Magnitsky bill, as reported by Ministry spokesperson Karolis Vaitkevičius to BNS.

    A list was compiled by the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) based on consultations with foreign partners, said MFA spokesperson Rasa Jakilaitienė. She specified that the list had been prepared prior to adoption of the Magnitsky bill by the Seimas, and included Russians accused …

  • Putin: US wants to see Navalny as the leader of Russia

    Russian President Vladimir Putin stated at a meeting with the chief editors of the Russian media that the US administration would like to see Alexei Navalny among Russia’s leaders, Meduza online newspaper writes.

    Putin was asked about the decision of Russia's Central Election Commission (CEC), who barred Navalny from taking part in presidential elections, and about the American reaction to this decision. The US State Department spokesperson had previously expressed concern over "the Russian …

  • Siemens signs new contract with Russian company that previously delivered its turbines to Crimea

    A subsidiary of the German company Siemens confirmed a new joint venture with the Russian state corporation Rostec, who had previously deceived Siemens with the illegal supply of its gas turbines to the Crimea in violation of contract. This was reported on January 11 by the Russian state news agency TASS.

    Inna Domoratskaya, the Press Secretary of the Russian company Siemens Healthcare, a division of Siemens Healthcare GmbH, told the agency that this subsidiary of Siemens is ready to provide …

  • Russian Ministry of Defense announces deaths of militants who shelled Russian base in Syria

    The Russian military has killed a group of militants who fired on the Khmeimim airbase in Syria on December 31, reported TASS.

    The Ministry of Defense specified that the militant group was based near the western border of the Idlib province.

    The report notes that Russian intelligence revealed the location of the final assembly and storage of unmanned vehicles in Idlib, and established a "continuous observation" of this place. Later on, the militants arrived at the location and began to …

  • Putin meets with Ukrainian politician Medvedchuk

    On Wednesday, January 10, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin met with Viktor Medvedchuk, the representative of Ukraine in the humanitarian subgroup of the Trilateral Contact Group on the Donbas, the leader of the public movement "Ukrainian Choice: the right of the people" and his compadre (Putin is the godfather of Medvedchuk's daughter – Ed.).

    This was reported by the EUDaily portal, citing sources at the Russian President's administration. According to Russia's radio …