Contents tagged with Russia

  • Three sailors from captured Ukrainian tugboat refuse to testify 

    Three Ukrainian sailors from the tugboat Yany Kapu who were captured by Russia on November 25 off the Kerch Strait have declared themselves prisoners of war and refused to testify, said Russian attorney Nikolai Polozov in a Facebook post. 

    According to him, the defense team of the imprisoned sailors has met with Yuriy Budzylo and Andriy Shevchenko, members of the Yany Kapu’s crew. The attorneys report that Shevchenko was in a good frame of mind, and did not have any health complaints. …

  • Ukrainian politician suggests sending British warship through the Kerch Strait to see Russia’s reaction

    Speaking on the Ukrainian Pryamyi TV Channel, Yuriy Hrymchak, Ukrainian Deputy Minister of the Temporarily Occupied Territories, suggested that Britain should send the British ship HMS Echo, which recently visited in Odessa, to the Kerch Strait together with the Ukrainian vessels. 

    While speaking about the attack of Russians on the Ukrainian ships, Hrymchak said that the British ship should try to go through the Kerch Strait. 

    “When people say that Russia will allow the British ship to pass, …

  • Filaret: Ukrainian President Poroshenko convinced Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to grant Ukrainian Church autocephaly 

    At the “Return to the faith of the fathers” forum in Lviv, Kyiv Patriarch Filaret (Denysenko) explained how President Petro Poroshenko played an important role in obtaining autocephaly (independence) for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. 

    “Our enemy knows well that, if there is no firm spiritual foundation, if we build our country on the sand, then this house will not stand long. And we must build on a firm foundation. And that is why, at the very start, Moscow, when it was unable to break me, …

  • Netanyahu: Israel prepared to act in Syria after US withdrawal 

    If needed, Israel is prepared to expand the scope of its military operations in Syria following the withdrawal of US troops, said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as reported by the Jerusalem Post. 

    According to Netanyahu, Israel’s policy is intended to weaken Iran’s influence on its neighbor, Syria. “The decision to remove the 2,000 American soldiers from Syria will not change our consistent policy: we will continue to oppose Iran’s attempts to establish military bases in Syria, and …

  • Russian Defense Ministry: Belbek Airport in Crimea ready to accept all types of aircraft 

    The new runway at the Belbek Airport in Crimea is ready to receive civilian and military planes, the Russian Defense Ministry reported, citing Viktor Sevostyanov, Commander of the 4th Army Air Force and Anti-Air Defense. 

    “The reconstruction of this airport has been effectively completed. Today we made the first technical route with two planes, and looked at the condition of the runway. There is still work to do, and the work is underway. But initially the conclusion is made that the airport …

  • UN General Assembly condemns violation of human rights in Crimea 

    On December 22, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on the violation of human rights in the Crimea annexed by Russia. In particular, the General Assembly condemned the "illegal establishment of laws, jurisdiction and administration" in the region. The document submitted by Ukraine was backed by 67 countries, the permanent representative of Ukraine to the UN, Volodymyr Yelchenko wrote on his Twitter page. 27 states, including Russia, Belarus, China, India, Serbia, Syria, the Republic of …

  • Volker: Russia needs a pretext for aggression in Ukraine 

    Russia needs a pretext for aggression in Ukraine, US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker told TSN.Tyzhden in an interview. 

    According to Volker, the US used to think it was unlikely that Russia was set on aggression in Ukraine, but in the wake of the Kerch Strait incident, it will be necessary to reconsider the realistic probability that there may be new aggression from Russia. 

    “We must do everything we can to stop it from coming to this. We must do everything to prevent this …

  • Russia extends arrest of Roshen's assets

    The Basmanny District Court of Moscow extended the arrest of immovable property and land of the Roshen confectionary factory in Lipetsk for three months. As a result, all money on the factory’s accounts for salaries of remaining personnel, were withdrawn to pay taxes, fines and penalties, the factory’s press service stated. 

    "In fact, before the Arbitration Courts could took any decisions on the case, [Russian] tax authorities, using unsubstantiated judicial decisions on cancelation of interim …

  • Russia warns of a global conflict if US withdraws from Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty 

    On December 21, the UN General Assembly did not approve the Russian resolution  aimed at preserving the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF). 43 states voted for the adoption of the document, 46 were against, and 78 countries did not take part in the voting. 

    On Saturday, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced that the withdrawal of the United States from the INF treaty can lead to a new arms race and direct confrontation in different parts of the world.

     “The results of voting in …

  • Russia prevents World Anti-Doping Agency from obtaining doping data

    On December 17th, specialists of the World Anti-Doping Agency arrived in Moscow to extract data from the doping tests of Russian athletes for the period from 2011 to 2015 but they were not able to obtain these samples. According to Interfax, citing WADA’s press release, Moscow has demanded that the sampling equipment be certified in Russia. 

    According to the Russian Anti-Doping Agency’s General Director Yuriy Ganus, failure to give WADA experts access to the doping samples, indicates that the …