Contents tagged with Putin

  • Putin suddenly cancels visit to the largest tank plant in Russia

    Russian President Vladimir Putin was expected at Russia's largest manufacturer of heavy military equipment – Uralvagonzavod today. It was also planned to hold a government meeting as part of Putin’s visit. But the visit to the Sverdlovsk region was canceled at the last moment, reports Russian media.

    A presidential motorcade of five Aurus sedans, two of which were expected to be used by Putin, were delivered earlier to Yekaterinburg, where the presidential airliner was expected to land. The …

  • Putin threatens to 'knock out' Patriot air defense systems to be delivered to Ukraine by U.S.

    Russian president Vladimir Putin promised to knock out those Patriot air defense systems that the United States will deliver to the Ukrainian military. 

    "They say patriots can be delivered there. Okay, let them bring it, we'll knock out those Patriots. Those who oppose us proceed from the fact that these are supposedly defensive weapons. Okay, we'll just keep that in mind. And there will always be an antidote. So those who do it are doing it in vain. This is just prolonging the conflict, that' …

  • Putin promises unlimited financing for the Russian army

    The Russian Defense Ministry has no restrictions on financing, and therefore the country's leadership expects appropriate results from the army on the battlefield, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Russian Defense Ministry.

    "We have no funding restrictions. The country, the government gives everything the army asks for. All. I hope that the answer will be properly formulated, and appropriate results will be achieved," Putin said.

    He added that Russia plans to "maintain …

  • Russian Defense Minister Shoygu wants to increase the size of Russian army to 1.5 million

    The Russian Defense Ministry believes that Russia no longer has enough military to deter "enemies" outside the country. In this regard, the Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Shoygu, proposed several measures to increase the Russian army.

    At an expanded meeting of the Russian Defense Ministry, Shoygu said that the conscription age has to be increased.

    "When recruiting into the Armed Forces, gradually increase the age of conscription from 18 to 21 years, and raise the limit to 30 years," Shoygu …

  • German Chancellor Scholz: talks with Putin will be needed to end Russia’s war against Ukraine

    German Chancellor Olaf Scholz does not rule out further negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin to end the Russian Federation against Ukraine. "Our goal is for Russia to stop its war of aggression, and Ukraine to defend its integrity," the head of the German government told the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.

    In order to achieve this, it will be "necessary to talk," the chancellor explained. "It remains to be seen whether this will happen by phone, video link or at a long table," …

  • Putin visits Russian army headquarters, rumored to be taking personal control over Russian 'military operation' in Ukraine

    Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the joint headquarters of the Russian armed forces, met with commanders and, as emphasized, spent the whole day with the military, reported the Kremlin’s press service.

    According to the media reports, this is the first case in almost ten months of war against Ukraine, when the Russian president publicly demonstrates such a deep involvement in military affairs. The video published by the Kremlin, shows that the meeting with the participation of the …

  • Putin criticizes Merkel and regrets that he did not attack Ukraine earlier

    Russia should have "started earlier" to act in relation to Ukraine, and not expected to solve the situation peacefully, said Vladimir Putin at a press conference after the visit to the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, for the summit of the Eurasian Economic Union.

    "Apparently, we got our bearings late, to be honest," RIA Novosti quoted Putin as saying. “ Maybe all this should have started earlier. We just hoped that we would be able to reach an agreement within the framework of the Minsk peace …

  • Media: Before G20 summit, Putin was offered a draft proposal for a ‘peace agreement’ with Ukraine

    Before the G20 summit, Russian president Vladimir Putin was given a draft peace agreement with Ukraine, which stated that Russia should withdraw from all the occupied territories of Ukraine, including the Donbas. The proposal was handed over by one of the countries involved in mediating the negotiations between Kyiv and Moscow, reports Ukrainska Pravda.

    "Before the G20 summit, Putin received from one of the intermediary countries a framework proposal for a possible "deal," writes Ukrainska …

  • Kremlin: the West can convince Zelensky to negotiate with Putin

    The Kremlin welcomes any peacemaking efforts aimed at resolving the situation in Ukraine and does not mind that Western politicians "lure" Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the negotiating table, said at a briefing the press secretary of the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov.

    "You know, President Putin has repeatedly said that we are always happy to welcome any efforts in terms of peacekeeping and support such efforts. As for luring someone, it is better to lure President Zelensky …

  • Zelensky: there will be no ‘behind the scenes’ negations with Putin

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he had received signals from the leaders of other countries that Russian president Vladimir Putin wants to start negotiations. But since the Russian Federation is waging a full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine, any negotiations should take place in public, not behind the scenes. Zelensky stressed that he does not want to have "any behind the scenes interactions “ with the Russian side.

    The Ukrainian President recalled that at the G20 summit he …