Contents tagged with trump
Trump says he may not back NATO allies if invaded by Russia
In an interview with the New York Times, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump suggested that the United States wouldn’t come to the defense of NATO allies, such as the Baltic states, if they haven’t “fulfilled their obligation” to the US.
Trump has repeatedly stated that most Alliance member states are not making the necessary financial contributions to NATO. In the past, the real estate mogul has said that “the US must be prepared to let these countries defend themselves.”
In April, …
Donald Trump has not responded to invitation to visit Crimea
The website Kryminform, which is closely tied to Crimean authorities, reported that U.S. Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, ignored an invitation by the head of the Russian-controlled Administration of Yalta, Andrei Rostenko, to visit Crimea.
But, as Rostenko noted, in the event of Trump’s victory in the elections, the invitation will be repeated.
“We haven’t had an answer yet. I think that he is busy campaigning. If he wins, we will repeat our invitation,” he said.
The Russian …
Trump: Putin's compliments are a great honor
Donald Trump reciprocates the compliments by Vladimir Putin
The leading presidential candidate from the Republican Party, Donald Trump, told ABC that for him it's a "great honor" to receive a compliment from Vladimir Putin.
Trump made this statement on Thursday after the ABC broadcast of an interview with Putin in which the Russian president called the American businessman and showman a "colorful, talented" person that wishes to put U.S. - Russia relations on a more solid ground. "How can …