Contents tagged with Sanctions

  • Austrian government moves towards easing sanctions on Russia

    The work program for the development of Austria between 2020 and 2024 indicates that the Austrian government intends to continue its course towards easing the sanctions on Russia.

    The program was presented by Austrian People’s Party leader Sebastian Kurz and Werner Kogler, leader of the “Greens”.

    “With progress in the implementation of the Minsk Agreements, we need to consider gradually lifting the sanctions,” the program states. The document notes that Vienna adheres to the sanctions, in …

  • US sanctions against Nord Stream 2 pipeline come into effect

    US President Donald Trump has signed a package of sanctions, which were previously approved by Congress and the Senate, against companies involved in the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. The bill came into effect. The punitive measures are included in the new US National Defense Authorization Act for 2020, which Trump signed on December 21.

    The bill provides for restrictions against foreign companies providing vessels for the construction of Nord Stream 2 and TurkStream …

  • EU extends sanctions against Russia for another six months

    The Council of the European Union extended economic sanctions against particular sectors of the Russian economy for another six months. The sanctions will be in effect until July 31, 2020. The decision was made after French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on December 12 informed the European Council on the progress in implementing the Minsk agreements by Russia, to which the extension of sanctions is related.

    “Given that the Minsk agreements are not fully …

  • Russia expands sanctions against Ukraine

    The Russian government has expanded the list of Ukrainian citizens who fall under economic sanctions, reports the website of legal information of the Russian Federation.

    According to the decree signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, nine Ukrainians, who are officials and deputies of the Odesa City Council, are included on the sanctions list.

    At the same time, two Ukrainian citizens have been removed from the Russian sanctions list. General Director of the "112 Ukraine" TV channel …

  • US Senate approves sanctions against Nord Stream 2

    The US Senate has approved the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the 2020 financial year, which obligates the White House to impose sanctions on the Russian gas pipelines Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream.

    On December 11, the House of Representatives voted in favor of the NDAA, and now the 3,500-page document is on President Donald Trump’s desk, awaiting his signature.

    Certain points of the document, which raises the US’s annual military expenditure by 3.1% to $738 billion, impose “ …

  • Kremlin promises to respond to new US sanctions against Russia

    Russia will respond to the US sanctions imposed against eleven Russian citizens, and six Russian companies, reports the press service of the Russian Foreign Ministry. The reason for sanctions was Washington's accusation of cyber fraud.

    The Russian Foreign Ministry pointed to the "politicization" of the US claims. Diplomats note that if Washington's representatives had "real evidence," they would have appealed to the Russian side to conduct an audit. According to the Foreign Ministry, no such …

  • Russia calls for lifting sanctions against Zimbabwe

    During a meeting of Russia-Zimbabwe Intergovernmental Commission for Economic, Trading, Scientific and Technical Cooperation, Russian Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Dmitry Kobylkin said that Russia believes that Western sanctions against Zimbabwe hamper the socio-economic development of the country and that Russia calls for them to be removed.

    "We strongly support the complete and unconditional lifting of the Western sanctions against Harare, because they hinder the socio- …

  • Kremlin: US sanctions powerless to punish Russia

    The new round of US sanctions aimed at banning American banks from participating in the initial placements of Russian government eurobonds demonstrates the “failure” of Washington’s attempts to pressurize Moscow, said Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova.

    The sanctions that make it harder for the Russian government to acquire new dollar-denominated debt are “nothing particularly new”, said Zakharova in a comment published on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website.

    “For a long …

  • Estonia intends to call for additional sanctions against Russia

    Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Urmas Reinsalu intends to call for additional sanctions against Russia because of the illegal issuance of Russian passports to the residents of the occupied territories of Ukraine, reports the Estonian new outlet Eesti Paevaleht.

    Reinsalu plans to propose additional sanctions at the meeting of Foreign Ministers of the EU countries on Monday, May 13.

    "Russia is a nuclear country that has used its force against neighboring countries twice in the last decade. …

  • Ukraine preparing new sanctions against Russia after Kremlin eased citizenship requirements for Donbas residents

    The Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pavlo Klimkin, speaking on the TV channel Inter, announced that Ukrainian diplomats are working on increasing international pressure on Russia because of Russia’s decision to issue passports to the residents of the territoriesof the Donbas which are not under Ukraine’s control, writes Hromadske.

    "At the moment, Ukrainian diplomats are actively working on creating a new wave of political pressure on the Russian Federation, as well as preparing …