Contents tagged with Poroshenko

  • Media: Poroshenko and Putin continue communication

    Despite the tough political situation between Russia and Ukraine, Presidents Vladimir Putin and Petro Poroshenko have maintained continuous contact, according to the newspaper Kommersant.

    Citing sources in Kyiv and Moscow Kommersant reported that the two leaders have spoken on the phone four times since the beginning of the year.

    The penultimate call was on February 11, the day after the President of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, visited Moscow. The most recent conversation took place on February 21, …

  • Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs: The date of Trump and Poroshenko’s meeting has not been confirmed

    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin told ZN.UA during an interview that currently, various options for future meetings between the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, and U.S. President Donald Trump are under discussion.

    "We are considering various options now. I cannot say any more." Klimkin said.

    The Foreign Minister said that his department will also select the dates of the meetings with new U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and several other representatives of the …

  • Poroshenko: The threat posed by Russia persists

    In a speech to the key military personnel, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko claimed that at present the threat of a full-scale military invasion by Russia in Ukraine remains unchanged, and that the buildup of Russian military presence near the Ukrainian border has continued.

    Poroshenko made the comments during a speech to senior personnel at the information-collection headquarters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kyiv, as reported by Interfax-Ukraine.

    "The threat of a full-scale Russian …

  • Poroshenko: We are building bridges with Trump's team

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, expressed his satisfaction that a dialog with the new U.S. Presidential administration is being built, reported.

    "At the moment I am happy with how we are building bridges and building up a dialog with the new U.S. administration," said the head of the state, delivering a speech during the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ operational meeting in Kyiv on Wednesday.

    He reminded that he had held an important meeting with the U.S. Vice President, …

  • Poroshenko speaks about Russia’s withdrawal from the Minsk protocol and asks for sanctions

    President Petro Poroshenko stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to recognize documents issued to citizens by the so-called DPR (Donetsk People's Republic) and LPR (Luhansk People's Republic) effectively means that Russia has rejected the Minsk Protocol.

    “We are observing continuous violations of the Minsk agreements. We see not only violations of the ceasefire, but the shameless decision to recognize bogus documents from phony republics. From the point of view of …

  • Poroshenko: Putin is creating an 'Aleppo' in the Donbas

    In an interview with the newspaper Bild, President Petro Poroshenko accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of creating of a Ukrainian ‘Aleppo’ in the Donbas, where Poroshenko claims separatists are deliberately attacking civilians.

    "The situation in some parts of eastern Ukraine is dramatic. We have clear evidence that civilians are deliberately being attacked. Putin is creating a Ukrainian Aleppo there," he said.

    According to him, Ukraine has tried many agreements, but Moscow does not …

  • Poroshenko discusses countering 'ongoing Russian aggression' with Tillerson

    President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko spoke over phone with U.S. Secretary of Rex Tillerson. The official spokesman for the President of Ukraine, Press Secretary Svyatoslav Tsegolko, wrote about the content of the talk on his Facebook page.

    As stated in the message, the telephone conversation was held while Poroshenko was attending the annual Security Conference in Munich. Topics of conversation, according to the spokesman, included combating "ongoing Russian aggression" as well as the …

  • Poroshenko said German president-elect Steinmeier is 'Ukraine’s great friend'

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, called Frank-Walter Steinmeier a "great friend of Ukraine" in a statement honoring his election as President of Germany, as Poroshenko wrote on Twitter.

    "I cordially congratulate Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the great friend of Ukraine, on his election as the Federal President of Germany. I hope for the continuation of a friendly and fruitful cooperation for the sake of the prosperity of a united Europe – democratic and free," Poroshenko wrote.

    The …

  • Poroshenko promised to hold a referendum on Ukraine’s accession to NATO

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, intends to hold a referendum on Ukraine’s accession to NATO. Poroshenko didn’t specify the date of voting. The President stated in his interview to the German newspaper Berliner Morgenpost that Ukraine needs NATO, noting that he will make every effort to ensure the accession of Ukraine to NATO if Ukrainians vote in favor of this.

    “As the President of Ukraine, I will ask my people for their opinions on this issue. A referendum on the accession of …

  • Kyiv announced that Groysman will visit Israel

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, and the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, held a telephone conversation, during which they discussed deepening cooperation between the two countries.

    "Within the framework of strengthening the friendship and partnership between the people of Ukraine and Israel, an agreement was reached for the Prime Minister of Ukraine to visit Israel," the Ukrainian President's press service stated. It was also reported that Poroshenko and Netanyahu " …