Contents tagged with Netherlands

  • Ukrainian military completes F-16 maintenance training in Netherlands

    Ten Ukrainian military personnel have completed training in the Netherlands on maintaining F-16 fighter jets, the Dutch Ministry of Defense has announced.

    The Netherlands has agreed to provide Ukraine with no fewer than 24 F-16 fighter jets, which will also need to be maintained.

    The Ukrainian personnel have trained on servicing all crucial components necessary for the fighter pilot. This includes the helmet, oxygen systems, and onboard parachutes.

    The training program also covered the …

  • Ukrainian President Zelensky secures deal for F-16 fighters during visit to the Netherlands

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, accompanied by his spouse and a team of officials, recently arrived in the Netherlands for a visit. He held talks with Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

    Zelensky took to Facebook to express the main topic of discussion during the meeting. "The primary issue is acquiring F-16 fighters for Ukraine to protect our people from Russian terror. Also on the agenda are the Global Peace Summit, exploring the peace formula, and holding the terrorist state accountable," he …

  • Ukraine requests F-16 fighter jets from the Netherlands

    The Dutch government confirmed it received an official request from Ukraine for fighter jets, reports the news agency NOS, citing the Dutch Defense Minister, Kajsa Ollongren.

    The minister called this request understandable, adding that it is not easy to fulfill.

    "We should discuss the availability of the F-16 with the Americans and other allies. And we have to seriously look at the consequences. It can't happen overnight. We must be honest in this regard," the Minister said. "We take the …

  • Media: Despite sanctions Russia continues using Dutch microchips in production of its weapons

    Despite tough sanctions, microchips produced by Dutch companies still make their way to Russia, according to a journalistic investigation by NOS and Nieuwsuur.

    "Many millions" of microchips that were reportedly supplied to the Russian Federation from the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine until December inclusive.

    According to journalists, exports are carried out through intermediaries. Several hundred shipments were sent to three Russian companies associated with defense sector. …

  • Dutch Prosecutor's Office demands life sentence for those accused of downing MH17 Boeing over Donbas

    The Dutch Prosecutor's Office requested life sentences for three Russians and one citizen of Ukraine, accused of involvement in downing the Malaysian Airlines Boeing over the Donbas on July 17, 2014.

    According to BBC News, the prosecutor requested a life sentence for Igor Girkin (Strelkov) - the former Minister of Defense of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, Sergei Dubinsky - the former commander of the DPR GRU and Oleg Pulatov - the ex-head of the DPR GRU department.

    All three …

  • Netherlands sues Russia in European Court of Human Rights over downed MH17 flight

    The Dutch Government has decided to file a lawsuit against Russia in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) for its role in the downing of flight MH17, reports DW.

    The Netherlands has submitted all information about the downed flight MH17 to the ECHR.

    The Dutch government lawsuit is filed with the ECHR in parallel with the individual lawsuits filed by the next of kin of the victims.

    "In this government complaint, the Netherlands also acts on behalf of all 298 victims of MH17 of 17 …

  • Netherlands expels two Russian diplomats for espionage

    Dutch authorities decided to expel two Russian diplomats suspected of espionage, reported the General Intelligence and Security Service of the Netherlands (AIVD).

    "Recently, AIVD foiled a secret operation of an employee of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation. The intelligence officer, who worked at the Russian embassy in The Hague with diplomatic accreditation, was involved in espionage activities in science and technology," the AIVD said in a statement.

    It is noted …

  • The Netherlands considers inviting other countries to join MH17 lawsuit against Russia

    The Netherlands plans to involve other countries in the lawsuit against Russia in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the case of the downed MH17 downed airliner, said Ukrainian Ambassador to the Netherlands Vsevolod Chentsov, as cited by Ukrinform.

    In particular, the judicial process can involve states whose citizens died in the plane crash.

    "The Dutch side is considering the possibility of other countries joining this process. In particular, the CIS  member states and the states …

  • Kremlin: Russia has not been informed about MH17 lawsuit filed by the Netherlands

    The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) did not notify the Russian authorities of the lawsuit against it in connection with the downing of Malaysia Airlines airliner plane over the Donbas in 2014, said the Russian Ministry of Justice in a statement.

    "In the event of notification about the complaint, the Russian Ministry of Justice will start the necessary work in cooperation with the competent authorities. Before considering a substantive complaint, the European Court of Human Rights should …

  • Dutch prosecutor's office provides new evidence in MH17 case

    The Dutch prosecutor's office, during the court hearings in the case of the downing of Boeing MH17 plane over the Donbas in 2014, presented new recordings of telephone conversations that prove that the airliner was shot down by a Buk missile system.

    According to the Dutch news agency NRC, the recordings of the militants’ conversation, which were presented during the proceedings, are the most concrete evidence against the four defendants.

    According to the intercepted phone conversations, …