Contents tagged with Moscow

  • Japan abandons plan to sign peace treaty with Russia in June

    The Japanese government has decided to abandon its plan to sign a framework agreement for a peace treaty with Russia at the end of June, when the G20 summit will be held in Osaka, the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun reported on Saturday, citing government sources.

    The decision was reportedly made because Russia and Japan have been unable to overcome their disagreements on a number of historical matters and security concerns. Previously Japan had planned to sign a framework agreement for a …

  • Survey: economists not convinced by Kremlin’s predicted ‘surge’ in Russian economy

    The miraculous economic “surge” that the Russian government predicts will start in the 2020s and bring Russia into the world’s top 5 economies remains a chimera in the eyes of most economists, writes.

    A survey of professional economic forecasters conducted by the Moscow-based Higher School of Economics at the end of April, involving 11 Russian and foreign investment banks, seven analysis centers, two institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and major corporations such as Lukoil …

  • Kyiv: Ukraine will impose new sanctions against Russia if it refuses to release Ukrainian sailors

    Ukraine will introduce new sanctions against Russia if it ignores the decision of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea to free the Ukrainian sailors.

    “Ukraine secured a decisive diplomatic victory and a powerful additional international legal trump card in order to achieve the earliest possible release of our sailors,” Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk said about the tribunal’s decision while discussion the matter with Ukrinform.

    "If Moscow decides to ignore this …

  • Moscow seeks to increase its presence in Jerusalem

    Russia is trying to regain control of two historical objects in Israel that belonged to it in the past, reports RIA Novosti, citing Sergei Stepashin, head of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS) and former prime minister of Russia.

    According to Stepashin, the fate of the Elisabeth and Alexander courtyards, which were built in the 19th century to accommodate Russian pilgrims, has already been discussed on multiple occasions at the highest level with the Israeli authorities. “Thanks to …

  • Kremlin: Moscow awaits U.S. decision on possible Trump and Putin meeting in Osaka

    The Kremlin expressed hope that the meeting between the U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin will take place, stating that Moscow did not receive a definite decision on this matter from Washington, reports the Interfax news agency.

    “We know that Trump has spoken of his desire to meet, but unfortunately we can also state that, unfortunately, (the U.S .Secretary of State Mike) Pompeo did not bring any concrete proposals about organizing such a meeting on the sidelines …

  • Russia does not allow lawyers to visit imprisoned Ukrainian sailors

    On Sunday, lawyer Nikolai Polozov announced that the administration of Lefortovo detention center is preventing lawyers’ access to Ukrainian sailors.

    “The administration of the Lefortovo prison created a situation in which lawyers’ access for confidential communication and work with clients became extremely difficult. The conditions that the Ukrainian sailors, being the prisoners of war, are in are in violation of Article 105 of the Third Geneva Convention,” wrote Polozov on this Twitter …

  • Japanese Foreign Minister: Peace treaty negotiations with Russia must be accelerated

    Tokyo would like the peace treaty negotiations with Russia to be concluded as soon as possible, said Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono in a press conference in Sapporo, Hokkaido, after returning from a visit to Moscow.

    The foreign minister stressed the importance of finding an arrangement that satisfies both parties.

    “We would like to conclude these negotiations as quickly as possible, taking into account the old age of the former inhabitants of the four northern islands. We must conclude …

  • Kremlin: China complies with anti-Russia sanctions but does not support them

    Despite the fact that China has joined the anti-Russian sanctions, it does not support them, said Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov in an episode of “Moscow. The Kremlin. Putin” on the TV channel Russia-1.

    “Many Chinese banks and economic structures have been forced to observe the same restrictions that are applied by the Americans and other countries, because we still live in the century of interdependent economics. This is why, of course, caution is quite often exercised by our Chinese …

  • Russia's Defense Minister threatens NATO with asymmetric response

    Russia will respond asymmetrically to an increase in NATO military activity near our borders, said Russin Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu at the VIII International Security Conference which began on Wednesday, April 24, in Moscow. The Head of the Russian Ministry of Defense expressed particular concern over the constantly increasing tensions in the Baltic and Black Seas. Together with an expert, “MK” tried to understand what the Minister of Defense meant by an asymmetric response to the West. …

  • Kim Jong-un to meet with Putin in Russia

    On April 25, the leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the President of Russia will hold a meeting on the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) located on the Russky Island, reports the newspaper Kommersant with reference to its sources involved in the preparation of Kim Jong-un's visit to Russia.

    RBC news agency also confirmed, citing its sources, that the meeting should take place next Thursday in Vladivostok. This will be Kim Jong-un's first visit to …