Contents tagged with Moscow

  • Putin lifts Russia’s sanctions against Eritrea

    The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has signed the decree which lifts the sanctions from Eritrea that were introduced by Moscow in 2010. The document was published on the website of legal information and has already entered into force.

    Russia joined the sanctions against Eritrea following the UN Security Council resolution of December 23, 2009. The resolution banned the supply of weapons, froze the personal and business accounts. The restrictive measures were a result of the sale of weapons …

  • Ukrainian Prime Minister: Kyiv cannot stop rail traffic with Russia

    Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman said that Ukraine can not severe the railway communication with Russia. Speaking on the program “Opposition” on Nash TV channel, Groysman explained that Ukraine has obligations to the European Union on the transit of goods. "We simply cannot stop the railway traffic, because we have obligations under the European Union Association Agreement," said Ukrainian Prime Minister.

    At the same time, Groysman noted that Ukraine does not intend to restore air …

  • Russia files final charges against all 24 Ukrainian detained sailors

    The Russian Investigative Committee of the Federal Security Service filed final charges against all 24 Ukrainian sailors who were detained in the Kerch Starit, reports the lawyer Nikolai Polozov.

    "The final presentation of the charges means that the investigative actions related to the collection and procedural consolidation of evidence are completed. The next stage of the process for the detained to familiarize themselves with the materials of the criminal case," Polozov wrote on Facebook. …

  • Russian experts: S-300 missile systems ineffective in Syria

    The Russian S-300 aerial defense systems delivered to Syria demonstrated their utter ineffectiveness during an attack by the Israeli Air Force in the early hours of 1 July, writes the Russian news site

    The ineffectiveness of Syria’s S-300 is most apparent in light of the fact that they are currently considered the most long-range anti-air systems in Assad’s army, the site notes.

    The news outlet’s anonymous experts drew attention to the fact that Israel used long-range missiles in …

  • Kazakhstan’s economic growth 6 times faster than Russia’s

    Kazakhstan’s economy is reaffirming its status as one of the fastest growing economies not only among former Soviet states, but even in all of Central Asia, reports.

    Amid the launch of the country’s largest oil field, Kashagan, and a boom in uranium mining, in which Kazakhstan has been number one in the world for seven years, the country’s GDP has been growing nearly six times faster than Russia’s.

    At the end of January-May, government statistics placed the country’s economic growth …

  • Belarusian government faces problems with $600 million loan from Russia

    Belarus has had problems arranging a $600 million government loan from Russia, said Belarusian Finance Minister Maxim Yermolovich, as cited by BelTA.

    The finance minister explained that Minsk had planned to repay its foreign debts this year using a $600 million loan from the Russian government, a $200 million tranche from the Eurasian Stabilization and Development Fund, a $700 million budget surplus, and funds borrowed on the internal market.

    “In principle, it was enough to completely close …

  • Body of Putin’s bunker financier found in Moscow

    The body of Alexey Kudryashov, who was fired on 31 May from his position as the head of the financing department that oversees command bunkers for Russia’s high-ranking political and military leaders, has been found in Moscow. The 55 year-old financier’s corpse was discovered in the yard of a 15-story house, RBC reports, citing its own sources. The cause of death appears to be a fall from a great height.

    A source in the Interior Ministry said that on the day he died, Kudryashov had been at his …

  • Japan abandons plan to sign peace treaty with Russia in June

    The Japanese government has decided to abandon its plan to sign a framework agreement for a peace treaty with Russia at the end of June, when the G20 summit will be held in Osaka, the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun reported on Saturday, citing government sources.

    The decision was reportedly made because Russia and Japan have been unable to overcome their disagreements on a number of historical matters and security concerns. Previously Japan had planned to sign a framework agreement for a …

  • Survey: economists not convinced by Kremlin’s predicted ‘surge’ in Russian economy

    The miraculous economic “surge” that the Russian government predicts will start in the 2020s and bring Russia into the world’s top 5 economies remains a chimera in the eyes of most economists, writes.

    A survey of professional economic forecasters conducted by the Moscow-based Higher School of Economics at the end of April, involving 11 Russian and foreign investment banks, seven analysis centers, two institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and major corporations such as Lukoil …

  • Kyiv: Ukraine will impose new sanctions against Russia if it refuses to release Ukrainian sailors

    Ukraine will introduce new sanctions against Russia if it ignores the decision of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea to free the Ukrainian sailors.

    “Ukraine secured a decisive diplomatic victory and a powerful additional international legal trump card in order to achieve the earliest possible release of our sailors,” Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk said about the tribunal’s decision while discussion the matter with Ukrinform.

    "If Moscow decides to ignore this …