Contents tagged with Lukashenko

  • Lukashenko: Ukraine is a threat to Belarus

    At a meeting with the heads of law enforcement agencies, self-proclaimed president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that the policy of the Ukrainian authorities began to threaten the security of Belarus.

    "The people are close, the people are related, but the leadership of Ukraine, pursuing an anti-people course, has taken a path to confrontation. We cannot say where they are going, to the West or the East, to the South. It does not matter, it is their business. But their policy is based on …

  • Zelensky instructs Ukrainian Security Service and Interior Ministry to provide protection to immigrants from Belarus

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky instructed the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to provide protection to immigrants from Belarus who need it.

    "Every Belarusian who can become a target for criminals due to his or her public political position should receive special and reliable protection. The SBU and the Ministry of Internal Affairs should work out a clear algorithm for assessing possible risks, as well as a system of responses to these risks in …

  • Lithuania sends 180 illegal migrants back to Belarus

    Since midnight, about 180 illegal migrants who intended to cross the Lithuanian state border from Belarus have not been allowed into Lithuania, reports Delfi.

    According to the head of the State Border Protection Service of Lithuania, Rustamas Liubajevas, the border guards received the authority to send back illegal migrants trying to cross into Lithuania following the order by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Agne Bilotaite.

    According to Liubajevas, migrants were being turned back along the …

  • Lukashenko's main opponent found hanged in Kyiv

    The director of the public organization "Belarusian House in Ukraine", a citizen of Belarus Vitaly Shishov, who earlier disappeared in Kyiv, was found hanged in one of the parks near his home.

    According to Kyiv’s Police, the investigators removed Vitaly's mobile phone and personal belongings from the scene.

    "The police have begun criminal proceedings under Article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (premeditated murder) and will check all scenarios, including murder disguised as suicide. The …

  • Lukashenko: Russian armed forces will be deployed in Belarus if necessary

    The self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that if necessary, Russian bases can be created on the territory of Belarus, reports BelTA news agency.

    "They accuse us that Lukashenka wants to place Russian bases on the territory of Belarus. Listen, we're not stressing about the fact that they have created a bunch of these bases in Europe. It’s their sea. Why are you making claims against us?", Lukashenka said.

    At the same time, he noted that establishing Russian bases in …

  • Lukashenko orders reduction of Belarusian diplomats in EU countries

    Self-proclaimed president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko instructed the government to review the work of Belarusian embassies and the number of diplomats in Europe. In his opinion, one ambassador with an assistant in a two-room apartment will be sufficient, given the state of relations between Belarus and the EU.

    "We need to take a very serious look at our diplomatic missions in Europe. Listen, well, why should we keep a bunch of diplomats there, if we do not trade with them at all. And …

  • Putin promises new loans to Lukashenko

    The Kremlin promised new financial support to Minsk, after the talks between the self-proclaimed president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin, which took place on Tuesday, July 13, in St. Petersburg.

    Putin and Lukashenko meeting, the fourth in 2021, lasted more than five hours. Neither the Belarusian nor the Russian media reported on the amount of the loans. "We agreed on financial assistance in connection with the tax maneuver in Russia," said Dmitry Peskov, …

  • Ukraine imposes sanctions against Lukashenko’s associates

    The Ukrainian government approved sanctions against 52 citizens of Belarus. The Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers submitted its proposals to the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, which should make a final decision. The sanctions are expected to be imposed against those involved in the falsification of elections in Belarus, as well as the suppression of peaceful protests, detentions and torture.

    The list, in particular, includes the eldest son of Alexander Lukashenko, Viktor, the …

  • Russia invites Lukashenko to visit Crimea

    “Crimea is ready to welcome the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko”, said the head of Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, on his VKontakte page.

    "When our president and foreign ministry agree on the visit of the Belarusian leader, we will be happy to welcome Alexander Grigoryevich in Crimea," Aksyonov wrote.

    Aksyonov called Belarus the "closest" and "brotherly" country. The head of annexed Crimea expressed confidence that Lukashenko, as well as all other Belarusian citizens, will feel at home in …

  • Lukashenko claims Putin promised economic assistance to Belarus

    Self-proclaimed Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko said that Moscow promised Minsk "economic assistance" amid new EU sanctions. On Thursday, July 1, Lukashenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the VIII Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia. Because of the pandemic, the event was held over video conference.

    According to Lukashenko, before the meeting he and Putin had a telephone conversation, during which they agreed to "update" some "economic …