Contents tagged with Lukashenko

  • Russia and Belarus to adopt joint military doctrine

    On November 4, Russian President Vladimir Putin 4 will take part in a meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State, which will be held in the format of a video conference, the press service of the Kremlin reported.

    During the meeting, it is planned to approve a "package of important integration documents". These are the "Main directions for the implementation of the provisions of the treaty on the creation of the Union State for 2021-2023", which include 28 sectoral programs, as …

  • Kremlin: Russia is ready to supply S-400 air defense systems to Belarus

    The Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSVTS) sees no obstacles to potential deliveries of the S-400 system to Belarus, said the director of the FSVTS, Dmitry Shugaev, in an interview with RBC news agency .

    "After all, we live in one Union State. Naturally, we are not indifferent to how [Belarus’] airspace will be protected," he added.

    When asked whether Russia can make a discount to Belarus on the S-400, he replied that "it is premature to talk in advance about some …

  • Germany investigating Lukashenko’s involvement in migrant crisis

    The German authorities are investigating the involvement of the self-proclaimed Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in the transportation of illegal migrants to Germany, Bild reports, citing its sources.

    According to Bild, the illegal transportation of migrants to the EU countries is organized "at the state level" to "coerce Europe to lift sanctions" against Minsk.

    Since August, almost 4,000 migrants have arrived in Germany from Belarus, including 1,100 in the first week of October …

  • Lukashenko: Belarus to buy more than $1 billion worth of weapons from Russia

    Belarus plans to purchase weapons from Russia for more than $1 billion and is also discussing deliveries of S-400 missile air-defence systems, said self-proclaimed president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko during a visit to the military exercises Zapad-2021 at the Obuz-Lesnovsky training ground near Baranavichy.

    "Now the S-300 systems completely shield Belarus from the western direction. But we have also added a southern direction," said Lukashenko

    He noted that during the second part of the …

  • Belarus asks to postpone merger with Russia till 2027

    The Belarusian authorities, even under tough Western sanctions, continue to delay integration with Russia.

    It will take 4-6 years to implement all “Union State” programs that have been prepared and are expected to be approved this year, First Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Nikolai Snopkov said on Belarus-1 TV channel.

    The 28 union programs, which are part of the integration roadmaps and cover areas from tax synchronization to energy prices, should be the central theme of the visit of …

  • Lukashenko: Russia will send new shipment of weapons to Belarus

    Russia will soon supply Belarus with a huge shipment of weapons and military equipment, Belarusian self-proclaimed president Alexander Lukashenko told reporters in Minsk. According to him, we are talking about dozens of aircraft, helicopters, air defense systems and, possibly, anti-aircraft missile systems S-400.

    "Very soon, as I signed the order the day before yesterday, the Russian Federation will send us (I will not say what money and what) dozens of aircraft, dozens of helicopters, the …

  • Putin and Lukashenko to sign decree on integration of Russia and Belarus

    On September 9, Russian President Vladimir Putin will sign a joint decree with Alexander Lukashenko on the integration of the Russian Federation and Belarus.

    This is a package of "road maps" for integration, the last 28 documents outlining the integration of the two countries. The signing should take place during the meeting between Putin and Lukashenko in Moscow, Interfax quotes the Ambassador of Belarus to Russia Vladimir Semashko.

    "The Union government will have a meeting where all these …

  • Russia hands over 69 oil wells to Lukashenko

    The Belarusian national oil company PO Belorusneft has expanded the list of its assets in Russia.

    According to Interfax, the subsidiary of Belorusneft, NC Yangpur became the 100% owner of LLC Purneft, a company operating since 2007, which owns 69 oil wells at the Ust-Purpeysk area in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

    The deal, which was announced on the birthday of the self-proclaimed President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, allowed Yangpur to increase the total area of assets in the …

  • Lukashenko refuses to recognize Crimea as Russian

    Belarus does not recognize the accession of Crimea to the Russian Federation until all Russian oligarchs do it, said Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

    During the "Big Conversation" with journalists, Lukashenka recalled the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, which guaranteed Ukraine territorial integrity within the borders at the time of withdrawal from the USSR in exchange for giving up nuclear weapons.

    The document was signed by Boris Yeltsin, Leonid Kuchma, Bill Clinton and the then …

  • Lukashenko: Ukraine buried good relations with Belarus

    Self proclaimed president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said at a press conference that political relations between Ukraine and Belarus are at the lowest point.

    "Belarusian-Ukrainian political relations, which cannot be said about economic relations, are currently at the lowest point. And the red line was crossed when the European Union had not yet stopped air communication with us, and Ukraine did it. And for what reason? Is it really possible to reach such an abomination to ruin everything …