Contents tagged with Luhansk

  • Russian attack near Kreminna fails, Ukrainian Forces advance further towards the city

    The Ukrainian Forces have advanced another 1.5 kilometers in the direction of Kreminna, taking new positions near the village of Dibrova in the Luhansk region, reported the military expert, coordinator of the group "Information Resistance" Alexander Kovalenko. Deputy Head of the Main Operational Directorate of the Ukrainian General Staff Brigadier General Oleksiy Gromov has confirmed at a briefing the success of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

    On his Facebook page, Kovalenko noted that over the …

  • Kyiv: rainy weather slows down Ukraine’s offensive in Luhansk region

    Rainy weather prevents the Ukrainian Armed Forces from moving faster towards the cities of Svatove and Kreminna in the Luhansk region which are still held by Russian troops, said the head of the Luhansk Regional Military-Civil Administration Serhiy Haidai.

    "In the direction of Svetove-Kreminna, there the Ukrainian Armed Forces are gradually moving forward. Now the weather conditions do not allow to move faster. Because the rains and muddy soil are viscous: the equipment, even tanks, just bog …

  • Ukrainian military command: liberation of Luhansk region will not be quick

    “The operation to liberate the Luhansk region will not be quick. The Russians have strengthened their positions using the militants of the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic and the forces previously deployed in the Kharkiv region, “said the speaker of the Eastern group of the Ukrainian Forces, Serhiy Cherevaty on the the Ukrainian TV channel 1+1."The enemy has a large formation there. This is the so-called LPR, which they used as a springboard for an attack on us, including creating this …

  • Hundreds of newly mobilized Russians who refuse to fight held in cellars in Luhansk region

    As far as 300 newly mobilized Russians are being held in a cellar in Zaitsevo, Luhansk region, for refusing to go to the front line, write independent Russian journalists from the project ASTRA, citing the relatives of the detainees.

    "My husband says that there are already about 300 of them there (ASTRA managed to confirm the names of 42 of them). More people are constantly being brought in. This is a large cellar in the House of Culture in Zaitseve. They are fed once a day: one dry food …

  • Kyiv: Russia has moved its remaining most capable forces from Kherson to Luhansk region

    Russians are transferring their remaining most capable troops to the Luhansk region. Among them are paratroopers who were previously deployed in the Kherson region, said the head of the Luhansk regional military administration, Serhiy Haidai, on air of Ukrainian 1+1 channel.

    "We can say that these are the remaining best soldiers that the Russian Federation has, because the rest are newly mobilized, Kadyrov fighters, Wagner mercenaries whom Prigozhin recruited in prisons. These are paratroopers …

  • Newly mobilized Russian battalion destroyed by Ukrainian military in Luhansk region

    The Ukrainian military destroyed a battalion of mobilized Russians from the Voronezh region near the village of Makiivka in the Svatove district of the Luhansk region. The death toll is several hundred people, reported the Russian news outlet Verstka, citing one of the survivors, Alexei Agafonov.

    According to his estimates, the death toll may exceed 500 people.

    Agafonov said that the commander of the newly mobilized, who were undergoing military training in the military unit 2079, promised …

  • Kyiv: Ukrainian troops advancing in Luhansk region

    The Ukrainian Armed Forces are advancing in the Luhansk region, despite difficult weather conditions.

    Russians are losing control over the Luhansk region as the Ukrainian troops advance towards the key cities: Kreminna and Svatove, said head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration Serhiy Haidai.

    "There is an advance of our defenders in the direction of Kreminna and Svatove ," said Haidai.

    According to him, the pace of the counteroffensive is slowed down by difficult weather …

  • Shoygu reports full capture of Luhansk region to Putin, Ukraine denies his claims

    Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin that the Russian troops had completely captured the territory of the Luhansk region. Shoigu claims that the Russian military, together with the military of the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic, established full control over the city of Lysychansk and neighboring settlements - Bilohorivka, Novodruzhesk, Maloryazantseve and Bila Hora. 

    According to the Ukrainian General Staff, the Armed Forces of Ukraine …

  • Deputy PM of Ukraine advises residents of Kharkiv, Donetsk, and Luhansk oblasts to evacuate if possible

    Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshchuk has encouraged residents of the Kharkiv, Donetsk, and Luhansk oblasts to evacuate while they still can, Ukrainskaya Pravda reported.

    “The heads of the military administrations of Kharkiv, Luhansk, and Donbas regions ask the population to leave the borders of the regions and do everything to ensure that an evacuation is organized,” Verreshchuk stated.

    After withdrawing from the Kyiv and Chernihiv regions, Russian forces have focused their attacks on …

  • Kyiv admits killing LPR military commander responsible for downing Ukrainian Il-76 plane over Luhansk

    Ukrainian Interior Ministry spokesman Artem Shevchenko, speaking on the occasion of the anniversary of the crash of the Ukrainian military aircraft Il-76, which was shot down by militants on June 14, 2014, said that Ukraine carried out a special operation in revenge for this large-scale tragedy.

    "Today, many people recalled in mourning the tragic deaths in the downed transporter Il-76 near Luhansk airport. 49 of our soldiers: 9 crew members and 40 paratroopers of the 25th brigade ... So, the …