Contents tagged with Lithuania

  • Lithuanian faction: St. George Ribbon a symbol of 'Russian aggression and imperialist ambitions'

    Lithuania has proposed that the St. George’s ribbon be listed as a symbol of totalitarianism.  They have also recommended that a fine be implemented for its use and demonstration.

    This initiative was proposed today by the deputies of the Seimas from the faction of the Union of the Fatherland.  Lithuanian Christian Democrats have also decided to amend the Administrative Code of Lithuania with this initiative.

    These amendments to the Administrative Code were registered in Lithuania.  It …

  • Joint Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade to be ready in 2017

    A ceremony was held in Lublin to mark the beginning of the Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian brigade, as reported by web portal TVN 24.

    The ceremony was attended by the Defense Ministers of Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine; Antoni Macierewicz, Juozas Olekas and Stepan Poltorak.

    According to the Defense Minister of Poland, all three battalions have shown solid progress, and there is every chance that the joint team will be at full combat readiness next year.

    He added that he considers the cooperation …

  • Lithuanian President: Sanctions against Russia will remain in force

    According to Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė, the Lithuanian people are better than the most European countries at understanding their Russian neighbor.

    In an interview with ICTV, Grybauskaitė stated that most European countries have a certain quality of remoteness in their relationships with the Russian Federation.  "The people of Lithuania in their own skin understand this relationship.  Italy and Greece are too remote.  They never had historical relations with Russia like we have.  …