Contents tagged with Canada

  • Ukraine and Canada sign free trade agreement

    Ukraine and Canada have signed a free trade agreement. The Canadian Minister of International Trade, Chrystia Freeland, and First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine and the Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Stepan Kubiv, signed the agreement. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko noted that the work to expand this agreement will start immediately. According to him, the Free Trade agreement will come into force immediately but will be implemented over the next seven years.

    In July 2015, …

  • Canada to contribute troops for new NATO battalions in Eastern Europe

    Canada will take the lead role in the battalions’ creation, in order to support a program of deterrence and defense in Central and Eastern Europe, according to the government of Canada’s website.

    “As one of the four leading nations, Canada intends to create and lead the rotary multinational battle group of NATO, which will contribute to increasing the presence of NATO in Eastern and Central Europe, along with the United States, Britain and Germany,” stated the message.

    More information about …

  • Canadian business leaders want to build power plants in the Chernobyl zone

    The Ukrainian Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Ostap Semerak, discussed the investment attractiveness of the exclusion zone for renewable energy during a Canadian-Ukrainian business forum, stating that a number of Canadian investors are interested in the possibility of constructing solar power plants and biofuel plants in the exclusion zone, the agency’s press service reported.

    “Canadian investors are interested in the possibility of constructing biofuel plants and power stations in …

  • Media: Canadian intelligence believes Russia is preparing for war

    In recent years, Russia has implemented a large-scale rearmament of their army. This includes a process of modernization, especially with regard to units with conventional weapons. All of this indicates that the country is preparing for war.

    According to Gazeta Wyborcza, this conclusion was reached by experts from the CSIS Intelligence Agency of Canada. In their 104-page report, these experts analyzed the recent changes in Russia’s domestic and foreign policy.

    The writers of the report …

  • Ukraine and Canada to sign free trade agreement

    According to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Volodymyr Groysman, Ukraine and Canada will soon sign a free trade agreement. The Prime Minister made this statement in a post on his Facebook page.

    The agreement is expected to be signed after the first Canada – Ukraine economic forum which begins in Toronto on Monday June 20. Stepan Kubiv, the Ukrainian Minister of Economic Development and Trade, will take part in this economic forum.

    “Canada has always been and will remain one of the main …

  • The US and Canada to help reform Ukraine's Anti-Monopoly Committee

    The Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) signed a memorandum with the US Federal Trade Commission, which involves the participation of international experts in the development of anti-monopoly policies in Ukraine, the head of the AMCU Yuriy Terentyev said, UNIAN reports.

    "We signed a memorandum of cooperation with the US Federal Trade Commission this Wednesday. This program provides ongoing professional support for the work of the Anti-Monopoly Committee by the Commission," Terentyev said …

  • Canadian Government to consider abolishing visas for Ukrainian citizens

    The Canadian government has received a petition calling to abolish short-term visas for Ukrainian citizens, Ukrinform reported.

    “E-petition e-33, submitted by the House of Commons, came today to the government,” a statement issued by the Canadian Parliament read.

    The petition to abolish visas for trips up to 90 days for Ukrainian citizens travelling to Canada was filed with the Parliament by a Canadian citizen of Ukrainian descent, Nikolai Kravets.

    The government has 45 days to prepare a …

  • Media: Trudeau will visit Kiev to sign a Free Trade Agreement between Canada and Ukraine

    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is planning an official state visit to Ukraine, Ukrinform reported, citing several sources involved in the preparation of the visit.

    According to sources, Trudeau plans to sign an agreement on a free trade agreement while in Kiev.

    "Now, the agreement on a free trade zone between Ukraine and Canada must pass legal and linguistic proofreading, and then it will be ready for signing,” the source stated.

    Details of the visit have yet to be approved, but most …

  • Crimean Tatar flag was hoisted on the Ontario Parliament

    For the first time in history the Crimean Tatar flag was raised over the Ontario Parliament. The President of Crimean Tatar Community of Ontario, Rustem Irsay, raised the flag, stating that this event shows significant support from Canada for Crimean Tatars who suffered from genocide, Krym.Realii reports.

    According to him, the association requested the former President of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress in Ontario, Yvan Baker, who is currently a member of the legislative assembly, to raise the …

  • Jamala to visit Canada

    Ukrainian Singer of Crimean Tatar origin Jamala (real name Susana Jamaladinova), the winner of Eurovision-2016 contest, was invited to visit Canada, reported.

    One of her performances is expected to take place on June 18th during a traditional Ukrainian festival in the city of Mississauga which lies to the West of Toronto and is a part of the Greater Toronto Area.

    Jamala won the Eurovision contest with her song "1944"  which was dedicated to the deportation of the Crimean Tatars …