Contents tagged with Canada

  • Canadian Prime Minister: Canada will support strengthening NATO's eastern border

    The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, confirmed his participation in the NATO summit in Warsaw, stating that at the meeting he will support strengthening the eastern border of the Alliance.

    This was reported by Christopher Szczerski, an envoy from the Polish president’s office, after a meeting between Trudeau and Polish President Andrzej Duda.

    During their meeting, Trudeau stressed that only cooperative work between all members of the Alliance will help deter the threat lying to the …

  • Canadian Ambassador to Ukraine: Kiev and Ottawa will sign free trade agreement this summer

    Ukraine and Canada expect to complete all negotiations this summer for their free trade zone agreement. According to a UNIAN correspondent, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Canadian Ambassador to Ukraine Roman Waschuk said this during a briefing.

    "We are hoping that we will be able to do everything [to complete the negotiation process] by this summer,” the Ambassador said. He stressed that the two governments are doing everything to ensure that all procedures have been completed. …

  • Canada to lift sanctions on Belarus

    Canada plans to lift sanctions against Belarus which have been in place since 2006, Rosbalt reported. A similar action was taken by the US and the EU in October of 2015.

    According the official website of the Canadian Government, Ottawa has recently seen “positive developments” in Belarus.

    “This announcement… reflects Canada’s acknowledgment that the Government of Belarus has made progress in key areas in recent months, including the release of political prisoners and conducting a …

  • Canadian instructors trained 150 Ukrainian soldiers

    Representatives of the Ukrainian Military Law-Enforcement Service were trained in "pre-trial investigation" and "use of physical coercion" courses taught by instructors of the Canadian Forces Military Police Group. This was announced at a briefing by the press secretary of the Ministry of Defense, Oleksiy Chernobay, the UNN news agency reports.

    "Also, in the framework of the Committee of Reforms of the Defense Ministry and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, military training of the Military Law- …

  • Canadian authorities begin negotiations on exporting liquefied gas to Ukraine

    Canadian authorities have started negotiations on providing liquefied gas supplies to Ukraine in the framework of the energy independence program, as reported by the Canadian Minister of Energy, James Carr.

    According to him, Canada has already sent an expert group in the field of energy independence to Ukraine, and intends to continue to work in this direction, RIA Novosti reports.

    Earlier, Ukrainian Minister of Energy and Coal Industry, Vladimir Demchyshyn, indicated that Ukrainian …

  • Canadian PM: Partial restoration of contact with Russia will not affect our relationship with Ukraine

    Canada continues to support Ukraine in the issue of Russia's illegal territorial expansion

    Canada is going to partially resume contacts with Russia, but will continue to support Ukraine on the issue of illegal territorial expansion pursued by Russia. This was stated by the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, during the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, the Voice of America reported.

    "Canada has a lot of support for Ukraine. Our position is clear and unwavering: We oppose the …

  • Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs calls for stronger sanctions against Russia

    The Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stéphane Dion, stated that Ottawa favors maintaining and strengthening sanctions against Russia, Maclean’s reported. Speaking at the opening conference at the University of Ottawa in Canada, the Minister reported about the effectiveness of sanctions against Russia due to the fact that a large number of countries supported the sanctions.

    “Sanctions, imposed against Russia because of the situation in Ukraine, are effective only because a large number of …

  • Russian Embassy in Ottawa vows 'retaliation' after Canada extended sanctions

    Canada's decision to expand the anti-Russian sanctions will have a negative impact on the relations between the two countries. This was reported by the press service of the Russian Embassy in Canada.

    "The decision of the Government of Canada to extend the existing anti-Russian sanctions deserves condemnation and is contrary to its stated intentions to change the policy and restore communication internationally. Instead of making a change to an unsuccessful policy, a repetition of …

  • Canada imposes additional sanctions against Russia

    Canada imposed additional sanctions on ten Russian companies and two Russian citizens. This information was posted on the website of the Government of Canada on Friday, March 18th.

    The Canadian sanctions list includes Inserbank, Mosoblbank, Volgogradneftemash, Izhevsk Mechanical Plant (IMZ), Izhmash, Tekhnopromexport, Tehmash, Roselektroniks, the holding company Schwabe that is a part of Rostec, and Tekhnopromexport.

    The Deputy CEO of Kalashnikov, Edward Joffe, and Chief Export Officer …

  • Canadian Foreign Minister: We will continue to support Ukraine in its struggles against Russia

    Canada, together with the international community, will support Ukraine in the fight for the return of Crimea, as stated by the Foreign Minister of Canada, Stephane Dion.

    "Canada, together with our international partners, supports Ukraine. We will continue working with our partners to put pressure on Russia to force it to adhere to international obligations regarding the respect for the human rights and Ukrainian sovereignty as well territorial integrity," Dion said as quoted by UKRINFORM. …