Contents tagged with Canada

  • USA and Canada pledge military support to Ukraine

    At a press conference, after the U.S. - Canada 2+2 Ministerial meeting, US Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Canadian Minister of National Defense Harjit Sajjan both pledged the joint support for NATO European partners and to Ukraine amid Russia’s recent military escalation in Europe.  

    "We are united in NATO, where we uphold trans-Atlantic unity and stand with European allies against the full scope of Russian malign influence, to include Moscow’s recent, brazen contempt of international …

  • Ukraine considers buying light weapons from Canada

    Ukraine is negotiating with Canadian arms producers the possibility of purchasing light weapons, said in an interview with the UNN news agency the political counselor to the Canadian embassy in Ukraine and head of the foreign policy and diplomacy department, Rouslan Kats.

    “About a year ago Canada included Ukraine in the list of countries that Canadian companies can sell weapons to (Automatic Firearms Country Control List). This was not allowed before,” said Kats.

    According to him, this allows …

  • American company wants to grow cannabis in Ukraine

    The American company C21 Investments Inc. has announced that it is filing an application to the Ukrainian State Service for Medications and Drugs Control [SSUMDC] to obtain a license for growing cannabis.

    C21 Investments says that it has already been granted a license by the SSUMDC to import extracts and concentrates of raw cannabidiol or CBD, a naturally occurring cannabinoid constituent of cannabis, as well as the processing of CBD for medicine, the wholesale distribution of finished …

  • NATO warships approach Syrian coast

    NATO warships from the second Standing NATO Maritime Group are currently patrolling the area of the Eastern Mediterranean, reported Interfax with reference to the data of Western marine resources.

    It is noted that in the immediate vicinity of Syria, there are Dutch frigate HNLMS De Ruyter, Canadian HMSC Ville de Quebec and Greek frigate Elli.

    In the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, there are three missile destroyers of the US Navy: Carney, Ross and Winston Churchill, which are all …

  • Kyiv asks Ottawa to extend the stay of Canadian military trainers in Ukraine

    Ukraine started negotiations with the Canadian Delegation on extending the UNIFIER operation training mission, said Ukrainian Ambassador to Canada Andriy Shevchenko in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

    "The UNIFIER mission started in 2015, was extended in 2017 and now it's officially set to continue up to March 31, 2019. We started working with the Canadian government on the extension of the period of the stay of this mission in Ukraine and I think we have good chances,” the Ambassador said. …

  • Canadian Ambassador to Ukraine: return of Russia to G7 is not discussed

    The return of Russia to the G7 has not yet been discussed, stated Canadian Ambassador to Ukraine Roman Waschuk.

    “There are no negotiations because there is no consensus. Other partners have said that they don’t foresee the return of Russia. People may have their own impulsive ideas about it, but nothing is being discussed at the moment,” said Waschuk.

    As was previously reported, before the G7 summit in June, U.S. President Donald Trump said that the G7 should allow Russia back to the …

  • Canada extends command of NATO battalion in Latvia by 4 years

    Canada has decided to extend its command of the multinational NATO battalion in Latvia by another four years.

    This was announced by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau while visiting Riga today.

    The Canadians’ current three-year mandate will expire in spring 2019, but it will be extended by another four years, Trudeau said during a meeting with Latvian Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis.

    Kučinskis in turn said that Canada’s decision to continue to reinforce the security in the region is a …

  • Russia displeased by Canada’s legalization of marijuana

    Russia’s Foreign Ministry said that the Canadian parliament’s decision to legalize the recreational use of cannabis is a “gross and deliberate violation by the country of its international legal obligations”.

    The Russian foreign policy department drew attention to the fact that Canada has signed a number of conventions which obligate its member states to restrict the use of drugs exclusively to medicinal and scientific purposes. The obligations are not open to alternative interpretations, the …

  • Canadian opposition demands weapons intended for the Kurds in Iraq be sent to Ukraine instead

    CTV reported on Monday that the Conservative Party of Canada, which currently serves as Canada’s Official Opposition party, has proposed that the country’s government transfer lethal weapons previously intended for delivery to the Kurds in Iraq to Ukraine instead.

    "They [the ruling Liberal Party of Canada] have been allowing these weapons to sit in storage and collect dust and, meanwhile, the violence in Ukraine has taken on a new spring offensive," conservative politician James Bezan claimed. …

  • Lithuania and Canada oppose Hungarian initiative to revise NATO's cooperation with Ukraine

    Hungary's proposal to reconsider NATO's cooperation with Ukraine that was earlier sent to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was criticized by representatives of Lithuania and Canada at a meeting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly on May 26, Ukrinform reports.

    "One of the Visegrad Group countries is trying to use NATO as a tool to block the NATO-Ukraine meeting, which is unacceptable, and therefore I ask our Hungarian colleagues to help ensure that the Hungarian government does not use …