• German Deputies Advise Poroshenko to Request the Resignation of the Ukranian Prosecutor General

    The Committee on EU Affairs of the German Bundestag is concerned over the process of reforms in Ukraine. The members of the delegation of the German Parliament stated this on the 2nd of February at a press conference in Kiev after a number of meetings with representatives of the Verkhovna Rada, the Ukrainian government and other non-governmental organizations.

    “We recognize the progress of Ukraine in the process of making reforms. Many laws were adopted but now they should be brought to life. …

  • The European Commission wants Access to Gazprom Agreements

    The European Commission intends to obtain access to all agreements on commercial gas supplies to the European Union countries, as reported by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on the 3rd of February, referring to draft documents that they received. Next week the European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete, is planning to formally present this proposal.

    According to the prepared documents, businesses involved in supplying gas will be required to report all contract …

  • Russian MFA: British accusations against Russia's actions in Syria are 'disinformation'

    The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Zakharova, said in a radio interview with Govorit Moskva that the statements made by the UK about the destructive role of Russia in the Syrian conflict were “dangerous injections of disinformation”. The Secretary of the State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Philip Hammond Hammond, recently expressed the view that the actions of the Russian Air Force have worsened the internal conflict in Syria, …

  • Merkel Urges Putin to Bring Peace to Donbas

    On Tuesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel held a telephone conference with President Vladimir Putin, as reported on the website of the Government of Germany.  “The conversation mostly focused on the status of the implementation of the Minsk Agreements.  Merkel had also discussed this topic the previous day with Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko, in Berlin,” the statement continued.

    Merkel made it clear to Putin that the Russian government must observe the ceasefire on Ukraine’s eastern …

  • No Comment from the Kremlin on Kadyrov's Latest Controversial Instagram Post

    The Kremlin doesn’t plan to comment on the last Instagram post made by Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Chechnya. The President’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said that he was not going to comment on those matters, as reported by Interfax.

    "I do not intend to make any comments," said Peskov when answering journalists’ questions as to whether he planned to comment on the posting made by Kadyrov.

    Earlier Peskov promised journalists he would show Kadyrov’s postings on Instagram and give comments …

  • 230 km of anti-tank ditches were dug by Ukraine along border with Russia in 2015

    In 2015, the Russian-Ukrainian border was equipped with 230 km of anti-tank ditches in the Kharkiv and Chernihiv regions.  This was noted in the government’s program performance report in 2015, which was sent to the Verkhovna Rada.

    “Taking into account the priorities of the development of the Russian-Ukrainian border, the regions of Chernihiv and Kharkiv were equipped with 230 km of anti-tank ditches,” the report states.

    It is also reported that a 72 km long metal barrier fence was …

  • DiCaprio to Star as Putin in new Film

    American actor Leonardo DiCaprio has preliminarily agreed to perform the title role in a film about the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, which is expected to be released in the spring of 2017, as reported by Dozhd, citing sources from the film company Knightsbridge Entertainment.

    According to the company, work on the film about Putin began last year and now the final draft of the script is being approved. Several Hollywood celebrities have been approached to appear in the film. Dozhd was …

  • For Putin, Merkel is the Main Obstacle to the Lifting of Sanctions

    President Vladimir Putin is convinced that the lifting of sanctions against Russia is dependent upon German Chancellor, Angela Merkel.

    This was reported by Deutsche Welle and was based on reports by German political scientist and an expert of the German Council on Foreign Relations, Stefan Meister.  Meister notes that Putin’s administration believes that Merkel has become the main obstacle to the lifting of these sanctions.

    “According to Putin, the main problem is Merkel.  In the event that …

  • EU urges Russia to Respond to Kadyrov's Statements

    The European Union Ambassador in Russia, Vygaudas Usackas, believes that the recent statements made by Kadyrov against members of the Russian opposition "are unacceptable in a democratic society."

    The Ambassador believes that authorities should immediately respond to the statement of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, against the opposition and the politician Mikhail Kasyanov.

    According to the EU office in Moscow, during a telephone conversation between Usackas and Kasyanov, the Ambassador …

  • Russia issues travel ban on five US officials

    In response to the expansion of the U.S. Treasury’s ‘Magnitsky list,’ Moscow published a list of U.S. citizens "involved in the legalization and use of torture," who are now denied entry into Russia.

    The day after the expansion of Washington's ‘Magnitsky list,’ Moscow retaliated. On Tuesday, February 2nd, the Russian Foreign Ministry published a list of U.S. citizens who are prohibited from entering Russia. All of them are former high ranking officials of the Pentagon, the CIA and the Justice …