• Der Taggespiegel: Russian hackers threaten German power grids

    German energy sector companies are being threatened by hacker attacks, which may be supported by Russian secret services, as reported on Saturday, March 12th, by Tagesspiegel. According to the letter, which the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution sent to various German economic associations, there is evidence that a large-scale attack by the hacker group, Sofacy, is being prepared. In the worst case this may lead to damage of power plants and networks.

    Malicious software, …

  • Poroshenko considers holding referendum on autonomy for Luhansk and Donetsk

    The first Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Zerkalo Nedeli, Sergey Rahmanin, wrote an article in which he cited a source that stated that the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, is considering holding a referendum to allow the citizens of Ukraine to decide on the autonomy of breakaway territories of the Donbas. According to him, this referendum would be an alternative to elections in the separated areas of Donetsk and Lugansk Regions.

    “According to our sources, Poroshenko occasionally returns …

  • Ilya Novikov: The US Government insists on the immediate release of Nadiya Savchenko

    The U.S. is insisting on the immediate and unconditional release of Nadiya Savchenko, as reported on Saturday, March 12th, by the attorney for the Ukrainian, Ilya Novikov, who, in his own words, has been in the United States for three weeks, with breaks only to attend the court hearings in Savchenko’s case.

    During this time, he says he has had nearly three dozen meetings with American politicians and diplomats regarding the release of the Ukrainian pilot. And in Washington, he said, they are " …

  • Polish Defense Minister: Plane crash that killed Polish President in 2010 was an act of terrorism

    Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz said that the plane crash near Smolensk that took the life of President Lech Kaczynski and other Polish officials was an act of terrorism. Macierewicz said that the act was aimed at depriving Poland of the people who led the country to independence. The Minister did not directly say that Moscow was responsible, BBC reported.

    Earlier, an inquiry found that the plane crashed due to pilot error, but Poland recently opened a fresh probe into the crash. …

  • Kasyanov: Russian FSB didn't have a problem with Kadyrov's controversial Instagram post

    PARNAS Chairman Mikhail Kasyanov announced that the FSB told him that they did not find anything wrong with a video posted by Chechen head Ramzan Kadyrov that showed Kasyanov through the optical site of a rifle.

    The video appeared on Kadyrov’s infamous Instagram account on February 1st and showed Kasyanov and another PARNAS leader, Vladimir Kara-Murza, through the crosshairs of a gun. "Kasyanov arrived in Strasbourg to acquire money for the Russian opposition. Those who haven't understood it …

  • Yatsenyuk: Ukraine's political crisis was created artificially

    Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said the current political crisis in the country was created artificially, according to Glavnoe.

    Yatenyuk’s words came during a television program entitled “10 Minutes with the Prime Minister”.

    “The current political situation in the state is artificial. This is not just my assessment, but it is also the opinion of many respected world leaders, and professionals,” Yatsenyuk stated.

    According to him, there is no rational reason behind the current …

  • Ukrainian Ministry of Culture to issue an appeal to protect Lesya Ukrainka Museum in Crimea

    The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine intends to submit an appeal to international organizations for the immediate reopening of the Lesya Ukrainka Museum in Yalta, which was recently closed by Russian-Crimean authorities, as reported by Krym.Realii.

    According to a press release issued by the Ministry, the closing of the Museum is “a continuation of the aggressive policy of the Kremlin in relation to the history and culture of the Ukrainian people.”

    "It is obvious that the Kremlin's true …

  • SSU: 128 Ukrainian prisoners are being held in the Donbas and on Russian territory

    According to Yuriy Tandit, the Adviser to the Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU), 128 Ukrainian prisoners are being held in the breakaway regions of eastern Ukraine and on Russian territory, as reported by UKRINFORM.

    "The list that we submitted (during the negotiations of the Trilateral Contact group in Minsk - Ed.) includes 128 names. It includes not only our people in Donetsk and Luhansk, but also those who are on the territory of Russia," Tandit said.

    He noted that women and …

  • Medvedev signs decree instructing government employees to travel using Russian airlines

    The Russian government has instructed civil servants to travel using Russian airlines, or air carriers of other members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEC). The corresponding decree was signed by the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, RBC reported.

    "These new regulations oblige persons whose air travel is reimbursed from the federal budget to buy tickets of Russian airlines," the government’s official website stated.

    The list of acceptable airlines is posted on the official website of Federal …

  • Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: We will not discuss an exchange for Savchenko until a verdict has been reached

    On Saturday, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated that the question of transferring Nadiya Savchenko to Ukraine will not be discussed until after the court has made its decision.

    On the program "Vesti on Saturday with Sergey Brylev" on the TV channel Russia 1, Zakharova was asked to comment on the issue of a potential deal with Ukraine that would see the transfer of Savchenko and several other political prisoners currently being held in Russia.

    “This is not …